Skype Ain't Cuttin It....

Like others have said here your internet connection is the problem. Get that working well and you won't have (many) problems with Skype. Load this program on your PC ----> The "speedometer" will tell you how fast your connection is. If you are using a wifi modem disconnect the cable and attach it directly to your computer, (bypass the wifi). Test your bandwidth speed. Compare this to your internet plan. If you are paying for 6G's and only getting one then call your company. Or switch providers.

You also want to reduce the number of active connections on your computer. If you have a PC you can go to the Command Prompt (Start Button - the globe at the lower left corner of your screen) click it and type cmd in the search box. Then select the cmd program that pops up. You'll get a black screen with typing. You should have the cursor blinking after your user name. Type <netstat -n> without the <>symbols. This will show your active connections. Every connection is some program on your computer accessing your internet service. Think of this like water service to your house. If you turn every faucet on you won't have much pressure in your shower. If you really have a lot of connections, say, over 40 then you might have virus or malware. Do a good clean of your computer using 2 or 3 virus and malware detectors.

If you've loaded a bunch of programs that you don't always use then disable them at start up. Click the start button, type config in the search box then select System Configuration. Click the Startup tab and deselect the programs you don't need running all the time. I deselected iTunes, all of my music programs, etc. Make sure you only deselect the programs that you recognize and are sure you don't need. You can really screw up your computer if you start messing around with this.

Doing the above should help you get Skype working well again.

Good luck.

It's your internet.

Renting space at "areatres" or "Urban Station" would solve that problem... but it would cost you A LOT more money than internet at your place.
I use skype daily, and have very rarely a problem with it. For the fixed line I use a callcentric account, which my voip phone connects to. (I have a phone with the regular analog connection and voip connections... )
The internet connection is a Fibertel 30Mbit connection, in Recoleta. (Yep, unfortunately the quality of the connection is also depending on the barrio...)
Well all this is interesting, hearing these experiences. I have Skype and it is great. I did invest in a professional level mic and I think I may need higher level speakers because sometimes when people call me it seems muffled and I don't know if it is their phone or mine and I wonder if better speakers would make those people easier to understand,.

I have a Palm Bay Florida phone number and I can call any phone in the U.S. as if I were there, plus foreign telephones like Argentina--or anywhere, really. I pay per call but it is pennies per minute and it automatically recharges whenever I get down to $3.00. Of course Skype to Skype calls are free. You can also forward your Skype calls to your cell phone. Sometimes I will say to business calls, "Did you know you are talking to Argentina?" just because I enjoy their reactions sometimes. I am really happy. But quality could have to do with the level of internet service, as has already been mentioned. .Or maybe I'm just lucky!

I have one rather regular caller who constantly goes down but I feel sure it is on his internet and not mine. He also thinks the same. Good luck. We are so dependent on technology it really hurts when it doesn't work.
My Skype improved a lot when I got better, but not good, internet service. I still have problems at times, particularly
during evenings (B Aires time). I have the impression that voice quality improves if the picture is turned off.
I've found skype even on the better days resembles the international calls of decades past, with a noticeable (but slight) delay in transmission. I can always tell when someone calls me in the US from Argentina if they're using skype or a landline.
so what about the cards to call abroad? I actively used them. .Now looking for an alternative . previously used cards Comfi ( ) . may suggest the current trends ? Need calling card, because only call from mobile .
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