Snow In Ba?

The opposite rotation is the reason there isn't snow in BA even though we are close to water? No moisture source when the temps drop? There are also no mountains to "wring" the moisture out of the air.
I was considering the possibility of moisture arriving via the low to the south east.
That sometimes happens in a sudestada.
I dunno, none of the surface water has even come close to freezing over and I have yet to see a ground frost in the city. Maybe in the province but I don't know if it is possible in the city.

It is cold, but I have yet to break out the scarf and gloves. We would need to lose a few degrees in temp and see an extremely cold front travelling across a body of water to pick up moisture I guess?

What were the conditions in 2007 which brought snow?
About as close as I can get is using their historical data search.
Interestingly, the corresponding period for 2007 was much colder with -6c being recorded at Ezeiza on 29th July that year.
I don't think it's cold enough to be honest. I mean it's cold, but it isn't freezing.

The chaos that a little bit of snow would cause here would be almost entertaining enough to put up with the inconvenience! I am rooting for lower temps.
I don't think it's cold enough to be honest. I mean it's cold, but it isn't freezing.

The chaos that a little bit of snow would cause here would be almost entertaining enough to put up with the inconvenience! I am rooting for lower temps.

It truly is entertaining. I happens in Houston every couple of years. You get 1/4 of an inch of snow. Most people get a snow day. People are asked not to drive (no snow tires), yet still do. You get like 1500 car accidents because of it. Kids love it, it looks great and it's fun (unless you really have to be out there). Knowing what real snow is as well, watching people react to a little bit of it is amusing.
If you were here on July 9, 2007, you would definitely want to see more. Funny how it's way too cold to go outside....until it snows!!!! It was a fabulous day. A no chaos. Just millions of people who had never seen snow enjoying their first encounter. Warmed your heart.
Snow in S. Brazil|en&tbb=1&ie=UTF-8