Couple of points:
1) The amount of likes the preceding post got is reflective of the number of people who likely popped in here, clicked the link, and who thought "this crap is not a joke??" immediately followed by "screw this, I'm not going there".
2) I'm really only interested in this issue as to bajo personally, from an anthropological standpoint.
You take an Argentine, educated, of by-no-means-substandard intelligence, as can be readily seen when he is discussing any subject except politics. He speaks a very decent English, appears more or less well read (ignorance of North Korea notwithstanding), and presumably is familiar with foreign media. You give him an absolutely unsourced, quote-free (except for one admission of guilt for an unnamed government employee), example-free, piece of propaganda masquerading as journalism.
Serious thought experiment: Take not a top-tier publication such as the NYT, WSJ or the like, but something a bit lower down the food chain, a bit more tabloidy - say, the New York Post. Imagine them posting something as thinly-sourced, non-sourced to be precise.
With links, which project the impression that the anchor text is supported by the linked source, actually linking to similar puff-pieces or barely-related articles - for example, about how both Macri's and Scioli's campaigns used social media. (Relevance to paid government trolls? Precisely zero. By the way, both Matias-or-whatever-his-handle-is-today and bajo have shown complete mastery of the link-to-nowhere technique). Literally turtles all the way down.
Take a doozy like this, have it published in the New York Post, and sit back and wait for the merciless mockery that would come from all corners.
Back to reality here, this crap, the written equivalent of a Roberto Navarro rant, gets published, and nobody bats an eye. And bajo finds it fit to draw our attention to it.
The only explanations I can find are:
1) That bajo knows his work well, but otherwise simply a moron, or at least an absolute philistine who skipped Logic 101.
I discount this possibility; I find it unsupported by the evidence.
2) That bajo is deliberately trolling. As unpleasant as this explanation is, it is far less implausible than the previous one; it is, in fact virtually the only one.
3) That Argentine life somehow manages to make otherwise sane people lose their minds, and accept - and dish out, to boot - anything, including total crap that stands up to no scrutiny whatsoever, as 'support' for their chosen position.
I personally tended towards (3), but bajo is simply too smart actually believe the shit he's peddling here. I think that really (2) is the only possible explanation. Paid or not (and I'm pretty sure that not), bajo is undoubtedly trolling.