My answer would be, no, I dont think Buenos Aires is particularly dangerous.
Of course, I had my shop in South Central LA for ten years in the late 80's, and I didnt think that was dangerous either.
If you are sensible, and dont flaunt wealth, BA is safer than many US cities.
I have never felt threatened, and enjoy my time in Argentina very much.
But cop shows always get a lot of views.
Buenos Aires is an interesting case...
You have: "
La Cuidad Autonoma de Buenos Aires" and then you have:
Buenos Aires Metropolitana or "
La Conurbana"
La Ciudad Autonoma - This is Macris gov't
La Conurbana - This under the control of the Provincial Police of Buenos Aires province and Daniel Scioli
Not only is the police force in Buenos Aires
autonoma the most highly funded and highest paid police force in the country, it's also the most well trained. It's jointly coordinated by the "
gendermes" of the branch of the Argentine army. Two of the big wigs in charge of the cities police force are former army cournals. I know this because of my friend who's a Malvinas Vet and former cournal in the Argentina army, artillery division knows them personally.
Even so, my wife was telling me just the other day that she was reading that folks in Recolleta and Palermo are still complaining that the security is getting bad there as well as compared to in the past.
The problem is "
La Conurbana" the outlying municipalities....outside of
la ciudad autonoma...under the jurisdiction of the Provincia police of BA...
Very poorly paid
( compared to autonoma, trained, funded and coordinated, corrupt, bad equipment....well you get the idea. Crime flourishes....
If you live "
inside" the city of Buenos Aires especially neighborhoods like Palermo or Recoletta....that's the most secure urban area in all of argentina with the best police...upper know
Susana Jimenez, Roque-cardo Fort...the like...
los famosos. Yet the average
"Jo Schmo" middle class working argentine
( like me and my wife, living on the "peso" with 80% inflation right now ) we can't afford to live inside "
la Cuidad Autonoma" like alot of ex-pats can and do with all of the "
best of the best" and the perks of living in the "
botox capital of the universe". It's expensive, high rent, outrageous....we can't afford it. So we live in the working class barrios in the outlying municipalities that surround autonoma.....
Well, the money and training and funding and equipment doesn't
trickle down" to the police in these areas like it does in
autonoma, so the security is a very different question all me, I know. Many police that are corrupt, work with theives and criminals,'s a different picture, alot more insecure. So I can see why living inside the city would give one that impression.
In my city, I've even heard from argentines I know through the grapevine about some police officers not even having guns sometimes only a
cachiporra or night stick because of poor funding or coordination. Well what good does that do in a shoot out with the crooks? And don't think the crooks don't know about this stuff...LOL..
The crooks here are 20 times smarter and more well trained than any Prov Police cop on the beat....why do you think so many of them work together..? you can't beat em, so why not join em? You'd be shocked if you knew really how common this really is here...