Sophisticated & Cosmopolitan Buenis Aires


May 21, 2011
A recent report suggested that Buenos Airea is one of the most sophisticated and cosmopolitan cities in the world offering world class culture, fashion, art, dining and one of the best standard of living / quality of life for expats globally. What do the expats here think about this? Is it true?
This sort of thing has been debated here many times over the years. Some people agree; others find the "sophistication" superficial. Actually in recent years there are fewer and fewer well-dressed people as casual attitudes have started to dominate while people grow overweight due to junk food. I don't think anyone can reasonably say that the cultural offerings can compare with those of cities like New York or London however there is quite a lot in the Latin American context and COL is lower for many items (though certainly not all) in international terms but high in terms of local incomes.
typos shmypos... anyway, I met a passer-thru last night who was raving about the food. "The food here is AMAZING! The steaks!" clearly it was the only thing she had tried and of course the steaks are good, but that doesn't mean THE FOOD on the whole is good, especially when you're a long termer with a slightly higher need for variety than someone who just loves them some cheap steaks.

In regards the culture and cosmopolitanism, yes there is a ton of activity here; art, theater, music, festivals, etc. and that is great (especially relative to the rest of the continent)!! But sophisticated.... just depends how you define that word, I guess.
Food - no. Culture - there's definitely always a lot to do here with all kinds of events going on any given night (and 10x more on the weekends). It's not exactly fair to compare it to new york or london though which have almost 3x the population.

From my personal experience I would say my quality of life has gone up greatly since I got here, but that could just be a result of moving from a suburb in the US to a big city.
You managed to misspell the name of the city twice and you didn't link to the study. This doesn't bode well for a meaningful conversation.

It's obvious it was just a typo. However, I'd like to know the origin of this report.

French style architecture and decent Malbec doesn't equate to the best style and sophistication. I must admit there are a lot of free art related activities and music concerts in the city to promote culture. It balances out with a little Tinelli on the side.
Food - no. Culture - there's definitely always a lot to do here with all kinds of events going on any given night (and 10x more on the weekends). It's not exactly fair to compare it to new york or london though which have almost 3x the population.

From my personal experience I would say my quality of life has gone up greatly since I got here, but that could just be a result of moving from a suburb in the US to a big city.

There are about 13 million in Gran Buenos Aires. Almost 1/3 the national population That is pretty big so I think size-wise BA CAN be compared to New York or London.
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