Specializing medicine in Argentina

If you don't hold the full medical degree to validate in Arg, you will most likely have to start from zero. If you do hold the degree and no experience ( clinicals ) you will have to do internships ( 3 years in Arg for general practitioner ). Only then you can apply for a specialized internship. Depending on where you have studied, validating your degree will be more or less difficult. Spanish will be tested if it is not your first language as well. An Arg. doctor with a specialty has usually studied for 6 years and hast at least 3 years of internship in a specific field.
Do they give a salary for foreign during the internships?and how are the process for specialising after the internships is it an exam or interviews? And also thanks for answering my question🙏
Do they give a salary for foreign during the internships?and how are the process for specialising after the internships is it an exam or interviews? And also thanks for answering my question🙏
internships, called " residencias " do pay a (small) salary ( about 200k pesos ). You will need to validate your degree in order to apply. For both General and Specialty internships you need to take a test ( Examen Unificado de Residencias ). Positions are assigned based on scores. Here are the requirements for foreigners: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/salud/residencias/ingreso/inscribirse-un-concurso