Specific exchanges


Dec 19, 2022
Any specific cuevas or exchanges at Florida street that I should go to for the best rates to buy USD visa arg pesos or any other way I guess, last time I went to rimini which had meh rates but when I looked around it seems everyone had the same at the time it was 1035, I think cambio baires also had the same price so do they all follow the same price or are there any good deals out there, thank you
They're all part of the same mafia. You're not likely to find more than a dime's worth of difference between them.
I've never exchanged money on Calle Florida, but recently went there specifically to see if I could find a lower rate than a cueva near where I live. I approached quite a few different cambio barkers and was escorted into various different shopping malls that had multiple small money exchange stores. The vast majority could not match the rate that I was quoted before starting my investigation. Not one could give me a better rate. The DolarHoy end of day closing rate today was 1280, so tomorrow morning 1300 and under would be a decent rate. Keep an eye on the CCL rate to see which direction WU may go this week. Another option would be to show up at the coffee chat tomorrow to see if anyone wants to exchange money, splitting the difference between the buy and the sell rate.
Any specific cuevas or exchanges at Florida street that I should go to for the best rates to buy USD visa arg pesos or any other way I guess, last time I went to rimini which had meh rates but when I looked around it seems everyone had the same at the time it was 1035, I think cambio baires also had the same price so do they all follow the same price or are there any good deals out there, thank you
Also has anyone been able to pick up USD from WU never done that before is it even an option I have no idea