Speed Traps / Fotomultas

How to pay for those speed-excess fines? Do the Gendarmes issue you the ticket then wait till summon arrives via mail to send in the fine?...And if and when a Tourist gets stopped for speeding and the authority would issue the ticket to that Tourist, or just negotiate by paying them in cash?
Camera tickets get mailed to the car owner, for a tourist that would usually be a rental car agency, who would probably then pass the charge along through the credit card!
Last time a few years ago, a couple friends of mine got stopped driving out of Bs As for not having "day time running lights on'?
They did not issue them the ticket but instead oferred to resolve the infraction by means of paying them directly, by ways of "coima"
to such suggestion they succumbed and nailed for a Hunsky bill.! I did not know that one have to had the lights on during the days?