Cruises, with all respect, either I misunderstand your post or you seem to be more than a little confused about the residency stuff. It is confusing enough for people who have been thinking and researching the process longer than you, and the rules of the game are constantly changing. I strongly reccomend you seek the services of an immigration lawyer, or at least a friend who has already done this. It is a path wrought with obstacles. Regarding the rentista category you will need a signed, notarized, apostiiled and legally translated lease from your residence in the US that you have leased outt, (if that's what you are referring to). And it needs to show you are receiving a rental income of at least $2500/month with deposit verification from your bank. And you will need to show a valid rental agreement for each subsequent year of your three years of temporary residency...etc.etc! (On my lawyers reccomendation I had a three year lease drawn up just for this purpose)!
I'm happy to share my lawyers contact info if you want to send me a pm. Others on this forum have provided their lawyers names if you do a search. Best of luck and stay patient!