Stay away from this apartment rental

This might be her apartment in Las Canitas :
Chenaut 1967 4 A


i sent this to her craigslist

Hola, me llamo David soy un extranjero aca hace 2 dias. Me encanta buenos aires y quiero quedarme mas tiempo pero por eso necesito un dpto y vi tu noticia. Sera posible encontrarte y ver el dpto?? Se ven lindas las fotos, tengo mucho dinero en mi hotel pero me siento nervioso y me gustaria gastarlo tan rapido como posible.

Un beso,

Perhaps we should reply enmasse to her craigslist ads - anyone with a voip account and able to record conversations willing to donate their time (and number) 419 bait style?
Ha! David sounds a bit too eager... maybe

-- si necesitas un deposito puedo pagar en efectivo -- espero que dolares te conviene, si no los cambio

(knowing full well that she'd say dollars SI!)
This entire thread made me laugh HYSTERICALLY, unfortunately at others' expenses. Nonetheless, I say we IXnay the reporting nonsense and just start slashing tires. OR, a better idea would be to rent the place for a month, deposit the $200, and then f@$k the place up. Rip holes in the wall, set a bonfire in the middle of the living room, smash the TV, and that comforter with flowers on it....well, that thing would go up in smoke (it's like a kick in the balls knowing that you had to sleep on that ugly thing in the first place...yuck).

A third option is, Argentina has an issue with people renting properties and not leaving (aka squatting) their properties. We could rent the place for a week, hand the keys to a cartonero, have him change the locks, and then tell him to stay there til they kick him out (which would take approximately 2 years if they're lucky:) Maybe next time she'll think twice about scamming Foreigners. I'm ALL for scamming a scamster ;-)

I'm actually shocked that your security deposit was only $200. I had to pay a month's rent as a security deposit, which I find to be ridiculous. But again, had i been ripped off, I guarantee you I could have pulled off a month's rent worth of damage.

On a serious note, I'll be down here in BA for a number of years and my girlfriend's whole family are attorneys (father, brother, sister-in-law, etc). Let me know if you would like me to do anything or need legal advice. I'll be more than happy to help out my fellow man....GOOD LUCK!
Hey everyone, this is Bailey's sister, just checking in. He told me to take a look.

I'm amazed at all the investigative work you guys have done in the past few hours. What amazes me is how a regularly active scam artist (such as this woman) thinks that she can get away with it, when she has evidence of her entire life posted all over the internet. She must not be too bright. Or maybe just desperate. In today's internet age, you should be smart enough to realize that if you want to scam others regularly and get away with it, you need to pretty much be non-existent - no physical addresses, no personal blogs, etc!!

I've been scammed in the past (albeit in a completely different context), so I really hope this woman will be brough to justice somehow. I never caught my scam artist, because he lived like a ghost - no trace of his life anywhere on the internet and no residential/ business address. What a mistake this woman is making!!

Thanks everyone for being supportive. It's obviously not the money that's driving us (which wasn't an astronomical sum) but the principle.

Bradleyhale - he doesn't have access to the computer for several more hours but he'll be sure to get back to you soon.
Thats actually a good idea..just pay $800 to rent the apartment then give the keys to some 'amigos peruanos de la villa' and tell them to have fun. The only problem is the more pictures from FrenchJurist the more I want to marry this woman, i love you argentina!