This entire thread made me laugh HYSTERICALLY, unfortunately at others' expenses. Nonetheless, I say we IXnay the reporting nonsense and just start slashing tires. OR, a better idea would be to rent the place for a month, deposit the $200, and then f@$k the place up. Rip holes in the wall, set a bonfire in the middle of the living room, smash the TV, and that comforter with flowers on it....well, that thing would go up in smoke (it's like a kick in the balls knowing that you had to sleep on that ugly thing in the first place...yuck).
A third option is, Argentina has an issue with people renting properties and not leaving (aka squatting) their properties. We could rent the place for a week, hand the keys to a cartonero, have him change the locks, and then tell him to stay there til they kick him out (which would take approximately 2 years if they're lucky

Maybe next time she'll think twice about scamming Foreigners. I'm ALL for scamming a scamster ;-)
I'm actually shocked that your security deposit was only $200. I had to pay a month's rent as a security deposit, which I find to be ridiculous. But again, had i been ripped off, I guarantee you I could have pulled off a month's rent worth of damage.
On a serious note, I'll be down here in BA for a number of years and my girlfriend's whole family are attorneys (father, brother, sister-in-law, etc). Let me know if you would like me to do anything or need legal advice. I'll be more than happy to help out my fellow man....GOOD LUCK!