Study Visa - Work Visa

It's easy to confuse the two exp<b></b>ressions (visa and residency) when using English to explaining laws/egulations that are written in Spanish (aka Castellano).

Bajo_cero2 made the point that there is a "work visa" in Argentina, but that doesn't mean that a foreigner can get a "work visa" and then go job hunting in Argentina the way an immigrant in the USA can.

There are several types of Argentine residency and they are (in Castellano):

Residencia Transitoria: commonly referred to in English as a "tourist visa" and "lets you stay" for 90 days.

Residents of some foreign counties are granted "tourist visas" upon arrival in Argentina while others must apply at an Argentine consulate abroad.

Residency Temporaria: "lets you stay" in the country for up to one year under one of the following categories:

Trabajador Migrante
Pacientes bajo tratamiento médico
Asilados y refugiados
Científicos y personal especializado
Razones humanitarias
Deportistas y artistas Especiales
Reunificación familiar temporaria

Not all of the temporary resident visas are granted for a full year.

As a as I know, a "work visa" is usually issued for a full year, while a student visa might only be granted for the "term" of study.

Residencia Permanente: "lets you stay" in the county indefinitely.