To say "mexican food is disgusting" is just ignorant.
There are a couple of dozen different mexican cuisines, which vary widely.
There is Zero authentic mexican food in Buenos Aires.
So, unless you have lived in Mexico, travelled there, or learned to cook mexican dishes (I have, all three) you are completely unconvincing.
Everyone is allowed their personal taste-
which means, saying "I dont like Mexican food" is completely Ok, and, no doubt, true.
But its meaningless when discussing the bigger issue of the authenticity and quality of "foreign" food in Argentina.
I enjoy Argentine food. I wouldnt own a home here, and have spent portions of the last 12 years here, if I did not.
I have also travelled pretty extensively in Europe since 1968.
And Argentine food has a pretty loose connection to real Italian or Spanish food.
Its like the old joke of the Argentine, visiting Italy for the first time, opening the phone book, and exclaiming- "Hey- all of the people here have Argentine Names!".
Italians, for one, are pretty amused at what is called "Italian Food" here.
And the Spanish feel similarly.
After all, the Spanish basically invented molecular cooking, with ElBulli.
A couple of his chefs, one of them Argentine, opened an excellent restaurant in Montserrat years ago- I went a few times, it was incredible. And Argentines, predictably, were befuddled and confused by it, and it went out of business within a year or two.
So much for honoring heritage.
There are a bunch of restaurants in Buenos Aires, run by rising Argentine chefs, that I think are excellent. The times they are a changing, and the food here is consistently getting better, fresher, and more sophisticated.
And I will still visit PinPun at 2am for a porcion.