Talking To Folks Back Home About The Money Situation In Arg

The currency issue is complex and difficult enough to understand even if you live in Argentina (whose profile is already pretty low among foreigners, in any event). It's unrealistic to expect many people with no experience at all of the country to understand it (or even care much about it).
Has anyone ever explained to the average Argentine , who may be as ignorant as the average US citizen , how it is possible to renew your drivers permit online ? Or you tag renewal ? How about mailing off for a visa ? Or any other mundane task ? The concept of not having to stand in line , having a bunch of photocopies , being told no , to have to return with whatever ?

Currency exchange rates are one thing , but all the things that make life so much easier in the US. These are things that your average Argentine simply cannot comprehend.

Ajo is spot on in his comment above.
I will never understand people who move abroad and suddenly expect all their friends and family back home to be an expert on their new home. It strikes me as very self absorbed. Why the hell should anyone know the ins and outs of the blue rate as opposed to other crises occurring in the world unless we tell them about it, or they happen to be especially interested in Argentina? This country is not the center of the universe. The second I'm able to leave this place, I don't want to read or think about the blue rate ever again, to be honest. For the record, both my parents and a couple of my friends asked me about the default before I even mentioned it to them. And (gasp!) they're Americans!!

Also, how many of you speak fluent enough Spanish to actually be able to converse with the people here? Do you really think everyone is worldly, educated and up to date on global current events? The America bashing gets old. Ignorant people are everywhere. I've heard plenty of questions of the "Is it true that French people don't shower and the women don't shave their armpits?" variety right here in Buenos Aires.
So true.

Of the app people in the world, some don't care what happens in Argentina, although they know that it is located on the west coast of South America, somewhere south of India and north of Senegal, or someplace near that.
Interesting this got to Argentina vs the rest of the world. I thought at first it was more about just understanding currency exchanges and the black market. Anyway the thing I have most difficulty with is explaining about customs. People just do not get that simply ordering off amazon is not really a viable option here. It was messy a bit just in europe, here I won't even try.
As for doing all those forms and things on the net, given the amount of identity theft going on there maybe Argentina has the right idea.
Interesting this got to Argentina vs the rest of the world. I thought at first it was more about just understanding currency exchanges and the black market. Anyway the thing I have most difficulty with is explaining about customs. People just do not get that simply ordering off amazon is not really a viable option here. It was messy a bit just in europe, here I won't even try.
As for doing all those forms and things on the net, given the amount of identity theft going on there maybe Argentina has the right idea.
From my point of view not as much Argentina v. the rest of the world as knowledge about other countries.

What does the average person in the Americas know about e.g.

Nigeria, population: 174,500,000

Indonesia, population: 237,400,000

PS: When ordering from Amazon in Europe, use - easy and fast
Whenever I try and explain the money situation to my family and friends in the UK they just look at me slightly puzzled and then say something along the lines of 'what on earth are you doing there then?'
Whenever I try explaining the money situation or the default to family back home, they don't care and don't want to hear about it. LOL. Seriously, there are igorant people everywhere. People here have asked me if it's true that all African Americans wear gold chains, Australians that confuse Argentina with Columbia and ask if cocaine is cheap in Argentina, and Argentines ask what season is it in Australia. Hello? The same season, it's located in the southern hemisphere. Try not to take people too seriously.
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Hm. Well, for one I can say nobody I know has really had an interest (or if they did, hadn't bothered to inquire).

I had to explain the situation to my dad the other day since it'll have some baring on a very remote topic we discussed. Took about three paragraphs to get the point across, but he's far from "financially savvy" so I can't say how difficult it is to explain on average. It's hard to give blanket statements and averages, everyone's different. :)

But, I would agree with Gringoboy and everyone else chiming in about mail. It really boggles the mind for outsiders. A friend I babysit for has been using mercardolibre to sell some baby toys, and she gets this glossy million-yard-gazing daydream aura about her every time I tell a tale of the good old days back home using ebay and amazon. "Free shipping?! BUT HOW?!?!"

All in all, choripanes are pretty satisfying. Dad has to drag me by my heels back to the US.