Taxi With A Fast Meter

It’s so much fun to call them out when this happens. I do it in sort of casual way, asking “So I’m just curious. Do you have to press the little button every time to hike the fare or does it happen automatically?”

“What are you taking about?”

“Your piripipi. Is it set to tick every 100 meters instead of every 200 meters or do you have to press that little button? I’m just curious.”

Usually they just look at me and play dumb and then I say “okay no worries. I can get out now and pay nothing or pay what the cost should be, which I calculate at $X.”

Sometimes they say get out. But usually they just nod and that’s that.

I had one who eventually admitted how the whole thing works, how he had it installed, etc.

The key is what someone else mentioned. If they don’t have the registration card hanging from the back of the seat, that’s always a red flag. Just look before you get in.

Good for everyone to watch out.

Happened to me yesterday for the first time in a year and then I saw this thread reopened. May be on the rise again.