Teatro Colón Tours

I asked once, they have tours on Sundays at 900 AM I think, and then you can watch a free show at 1100 AM .Check with the ticket office on the side street (Tucuman), they will give you all the info.
Thanks for the great advice. Everything seems to function (more or less) better here when you go in person. I will post again when I find out more information at the Colon.
Hello Everyone, does anyone have any current info on tours at the Teatro Colon? I'd love to check it out.... Thanks!
I did go in person a couple of weeks ago, and they said the tours are suspended for the foreseeable future.
Putting politics aside, :p

The truth is that the BA government more precisely the city mayor Mr. Mauricio Macri in his uncontrolled pursuing and desire to sum points to his goal to be the next president candidate of this country rushed the remodeling and renewal of this historic building with cheap labor and contracting his associate clients in the reconstruction and modernization of this iconic building which becomes at the end a total chaos.

The idea was to finish it does not matter the end, the important thing was to get his picture in the major newspapers and interview in TV shows, the ultimate goal was, and still is...his public promotion!

No one was informed of this situation by the media reigning in this country because this man is one in they short list to support as candidates, some dissidents voices were trying to advert all this inefficiency and ineptitudes but were silenced.

Now we are in the situation that it's impossible to cover the lies and malpractices involved, therefore the people working in the theater are in potential strike as well as the ballet dance group complaining, and with a reason, that the floor of the scenario is faulty or has been constructed without proper and professional advice and it is unfit to dance amid to risk serious injury to the dancers.

Therefore all tours and probably all or at least some of the presentations have been suspended until a reasonable solution can be found to all this mess.

These are some of the future of the candidates seeking the maxim investiture of this country, God save us all if this type of individuals succeed in reaching their goal.

Just by looking the way the footpaths and the city is in general shows the ineptitude and careless of this current City Government and their Mayor, not to mention they affinity with culture....total nonexistent.

Sorry but this is the way it's, and please don't forget that you're in Argentina, and it means it's easy to complicate things without a reason.
If this is true, then what was going on for those years BEFORE Macri took office when the plan was for the theater to reopen in 2008?

Macri took office and the opening was pushed back from 6 months to 2 years and 6 months due to more work needing to be done. I find it amazing that whatever was done before Macri's tenure was so horribly inefficient that extending the project another 2 years can now be seen as "rushing completion".

Mind boggling...
Napoleon said:
If this is true, then what was going on for those years BEFORE Macri took office when the plan was for the theater to reopen in 2008?

Macri took office and the opening was pushed back from 6 months to 2 years and 6 months due to more work needing to be done. I find it amazing that whatever was done before Macri's tenure was so horribly inefficient that extending the project another 2 years can now be seen as "rushing completion".

Mind boggling...

Indeed, before Macri and even before that, this building was left untended to rotten, when Macri snatched the power from acting mayor Jorge Telerman to manage this city with the help of the media he also seized the opportunity to sum points to his personal goal, to reach the maximum investiture of this country with a little help from his friends this has become a reality parameter to reach that power... that was and still is his goal, the work was finish just with rapidly touch on the outside shell if you see that it looks good from outside you think it must look good inside too, but in reality those patch up work done leaves much to be desired, I can tell you that I was outside and even inside the finish work is not up to the task, not for this type of building anyway, in another words it was refurbished on the cheapo budget, a shame and an injustice to this major referent to the cultural world, and a travesty to the culture of this country, but nothing more can be expected from a man only interested in publicity, money and power.

Mind boggling?...not here.