Teatro Colon


May 5, 2008
So I went to the Teatro Colon tonight. Beethoven's 9th. It kind of rocked. It was free of course. Nineteen days before it officially opens. That's been on my list since I arrived in this country.

PS- I highly recommend a visit.
Do you know when they are going to start doing guided tours again?
2GuysInPM said:
Do you know when they are going to start doing guided tours again?
I didn't find that out last night, but that's something I need to know for work, so when I do find out, I'll post.

Apparently last night's show wasn't even the first preview. Also, I'm sure that there will be plenty more unofficial functions between now and the 25th.
Oh, how I wish I could've heard about that and attended! I bet it was amazing.

Napolean, is there a list of upcoming functions that we can take a look at? )The calendar on their website doesn't list an event until May 26th.)
hepdoll said:
Oh, how I wish I could've heard about that and attended! I bet it was amazing.

Napoleon, is there a list of upcoming functions that we can take a look at? )The calendar on their website doesn't list an event until May 26th.)
I only found out about it around noon when a journalist friend that I occasionally shoot for told me about it. Then she asked if I wanted to come. I brought my big camera just in case, but then was told "No photos" when we got out tickets. Then everyone and their dog was taking pictures.

I only found out about the other preview when I texted a friend who had worked on the restoration project to tell her that I was inside her teatro. (Not a euphemism...) She sent me a message saying that there was a preview for "people who had worked on the project", but she had to fight her way in and then she didn't see any of the people who had been working while she was there.

These two events in addition to recalling my experience working at a museum that was re-opening/expanding clued me into the fact that there will be numerous previews before the Grand Re-Opening. That being said, I don't think that there will be a "published list of events" for everything between now and the 26th.
Does anyone know how / where to get tickets for the Grand Opening? I heard it was going to be spectacular!
The website you mention is only for selling subscriptions. No mention of individual tickets. I can not find any information anywhere about individual tickets. Does anyone have any information?
They sold individual tickets at one point, but like I said, those probably sold out right away.

All tickets were going on sale on April 19th at 9am, and I made it a point to check early that very day, but when I did all the individual show tickets were already sold out and listed as such.

I think the options at this point for individual tickets are MercadoLibre and/or buy show seats from a season ticket holder. But you can try calling TuEntrada or Hotel Panamericano to see if they still have anything available.

Good luck! :)