Teen mothers and single parents

"Elpanada" said:
You guys are talking alot about teen pregnancies in Argentina and implying that they're exceptionally common there. I personally aint gonna buy it, from what I've seen of Argentina teen pregnancies are actually probably way lower than in most countries. Does anybody have any statistics on this?
I don´t know how many times you have been in Argentina but when you were there you must have lived with rose coloured glasses

"syngirl" said:
Oops, pressed return and posted before completing a thought.
Question I want to pose: Is there a summer time job culture in your home countries? Do you think this has effects on responsibility etc amongst teenagers? (I obviously do!) And can someone explain why this idea doesn't appear to be embraced in Argentina (I know that some of it has to do with social class).
I would love to hear some more local experiences with children / teenagers here. What is the local perspective on eaching children responsibility -- both personal and financial? To me it seems to be a very laissez-fair situation, resulting in kids leaving the home in their late 20s completely unprepared to do the most menial tasks such as their laundry.
I know that in other countries as well there are a lot of problems with teenagers / kids in their 20s being spoilt and prolonging their childhoods etc. This isn't only a problem here, but I would love to here some more opinions.
In Holland almost everone from 15 to 17 has an summer job and most likely also a after school job.
This is the same in most of the devoloped world.
In Argentina kids below 18 aren´t even legally allowed to work, and a summer time job or a part-time job does not exist
Oh wow, that's interesting, I didn't even realise that. At home I think the labour law is 14 years of age, and then you're only allowed to work part-time hours.
Sorry, Elpanada, but let me guess, kids are probably pretty far from your mind in your day-to-day life? You're a guy, so maybe you were just oblivious to the amount of young mums in Argentina. I'm a 31 year old woman, and only 2 of my close friends from home have kids -- one had hers at 30 and one is about to have her first at 39. Yet here I know a bunch of women who are around 25 and either they themselves have a 5 year old kid, or their younger sister does etc. And the chart above remember is only looking at pregnancies of 15-19 year olds. The number of women having their first child between 19-24 must be huge according to the evidence I see daily in grocery stores, the bank, on the bus, in the street.
Here's statistics (Granada, you'll like these, they use Holland as a shining example compared to here):
Tres de cada veinte argentinos son hijos de madres adolescentes,según estadísticas del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Los planes gubernamentales para difundir métodos anticonceptivos entre los jóvenes no son efectivos.
So 15% of all pregnancies, and then you've got to LOVE this:
En nuestro país, el 40 por ciento de los jóvenes tiene sexo sin usar ningún método anticonceptivo
Here's the link to the Ministery of Health -- they may have more statistics for you http://www.msal.gov.ar/htm/default.asp

By the way -- having a child carseat supposedly isn't a legal requirement here!?! Someone tell me that I am misinformed on this! I have seen a number of women carrying their toddler on their lap in the front passenger seat of vehicles -- all they need is to be rear-ended at 30km an hour and that toddler is going to go flying out the window!
I once made the mistake of asking the daughter of a friend if she was planning on getting a summer job, she said - we never do it here. It will make it look like your parents cannot afford to feed you. I was prepared for a negative answer but her explanation floored me.
Unless I have crawled under a rock or have been in a coma all this time, doesn't an honest days hard work and hard earned wage build character or is that not a thing that is common in BsAs?
Teenage pregnancy is 64K dollar question but I think if a woman can afford to have a baby sans a husband, she can do whatever she wants no? Or are we Murphy and Quayle all over again?
Yes, the key is whether or not we're talking about single women of various ages or just teenagers. The "woman" I am talking about is not a woman, she's a teenager, and she has no income, nor any interest in getting one. A single mum that's doing it on her own and doing a great job of it is never going to get a "tsk tsk" from me. It's the teenager or 20 something that hands over baby to the grandparents every day so she can go out clubbing for the night that gets the thumbs down.
In the Argentine reality I can see that you dont want your kid to work. They get exploited, get lousy pay and school grades suffer. Its better to support them and let them focus on school.
Once they are in there early 20´s and are studying you can get a job and continue your education. There is even a law that allows students to take time of there job if they have an exam coming up. But then you have to be in blanco offcourse, which most are not.
"But then again in a country that has no laws on sexual exploitation in the media and promotes blatant sexuality (*bleep* where in the world do you get graphic TV publicity showing girls licking cherries and orgasmically ooohhing and ahhhhing in dental floss G-strings at 11am?
where else in the world do you have thousands of sex hotels where you drive in and pay for the "turno"?
What else can I say except Argentina is a permiscuous society with no brakes!"
That is interesting. I am married to an argentine woman and we both now live in the USA. She feels that all the t&a shown on tv and in the media in argentina is harmless. What shocks her is how degrated and stupid women are portrayed on USA tv shows.
You really have to be pervert to watch/read magazine for men here.
Most people here think that is normal