Sorry, Elpanada, but let me guess, kids are probably pretty far from your mind in your day-to-day life? You're a guy, so maybe you were just oblivious to the amount of young mums in Argentina. I'm a 31 year old woman, and only 2 of my close friends from home have kids -- one had hers at 30 and one is about to have her first at 39. Yet here I know a bunch of women who are around 25 and either they themselves have a 5 year old kid, or their younger sister does etc. And the chart above remember is only looking at pregnancies of 15-19 year olds. The number of women having their first child between 19-24 must be huge according to the evidence I see daily in grocery stores, the bank, on the bus, in the street.
Here's statistics (Granada, you'll like these, they use Holland as a shining example compared to here):
Tres de cada veinte argentinos son hijos de madres adolescentes,según estadísticas del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Los planes gubernamentales para difundir métodos anticonceptivos entre los jóvenes no son efectivos.
So 15% of all pregnancies, and then you've got to LOVE this:
En nuestro país, el 40 por ciento de los jóvenes tiene sexo sin usar ningún método anticonceptivo
Here's the link to the Ministery of Health -- they may have more statistics for you
By the way -- having a child carseat supposedly isn't a legal requirement here!?! Someone tell me that I am misinformed on this! I have seen a number of women carrying their toddler on their lap in the front passenger seat of vehicles -- all they need is to be rear-ended at 30km an hour and that toddler is going to go flying out the window!