The Argentine Time Tunnel.

Matt84 Peronist Disagreement and in fighting confusing? Very much so.Google the Ezeiza Massacre June 20,1973 the day Peron returned from exile and May 1,1974 when Peron thru the Montonero revolutionaries out of Plaza de Mayo calling them "imberbes" -beardless,snotty -nosed kids.Peron was a fascist just like Moussilini,Hitler and Franco.What he definitely was not,was a communist revolutionary. So the 1970s were mostly middle class? Why did the Montoneros appear then? Please!

They were just one more defiance group against the military. They were used by Peron to force the military to give up power. But they were infiltrated by Cuba's agents so, they didn't give up violence once Peron got to power.
Right! Then you need usd.
Helloooooo, whatever is produced here is paid in pesos.
Right? Chevron and other international majors are accepting AR pesos for oil it extracts from Vaca Muerta for domestic use: YPF. DAH!
The subsidies to stimulate and pay for production and exploration ($77.00 oil) are funded by YOU and other consumers each time fuel is purchased at the pump. No reserve funds as of yet are used to keep this dog and pony show going. Chevron and other none Argentine oil companies thank you for this windfall: US$77.00 oil.

motorists now are subsidizing oil and gas producers.
They were just one more defiance group against the military. They were used by Peron to force the military to give up power. But they were infiltrated by Cuba's agents so, they didn't give up violence once Peron got to power.
Maybe them and the Cubans intended to benefit each other (kinda like Molotov-Ribbentrop) but Montos was still first and foremost a P-ronist group, wasn't it?
Didn't they chant "P'ron o Muerte" like g-d damn natsees or cult members?
Bajo; 1) The deal that the K gov't. signed with Chevron is 50/50 and payment in U$D with NO expropiation problems.Otherwise,Chevron would NEVER had signed it.

2) The Montoneros used Peronism for their own ends NOT the other way around
Matt: The Montoneros used Peronism as a cover.Justicialism is gospel to about 50% of the populationHere's another chant from the Bombonera in 1979I remember .
Con el flaco y el orejudo estamos de luto With Skinny (Videla) and Big Ears (Martinez de Hoz) we are in mourning
Con la puta y el Mago estabamos de lujo with the dancer ( Isabelita) and the wizzard (lopez Rega) we were deluxe
Que vuelvan los ladrones,que vuelvan los ladrones! Bring back the thieves,bring back the thieves !
The Spanish words were not mine.
Thanks Noesdeayer!

so... Mont'eros was its own thing, but I know it was not exactly socialist. So kinda like the SA before the night of long knives?
Were they targeted by the AAA during la puta's administration?
If you google AAA and the Montoneros, you'll see some info about Moyano.I didn't want to be as disrespecful to a former president as the Boca fans were.She always says,"No me atosiguéis" "-Don't hassle me " using the vosotros form and I want to oblige.