If the youth had such a bright future, why join the guerrilla? If there was only 6% poverty, how did they get support from the working class? The Canadian youth is not joining and never joined Marxist guerrillas. Happy, prosperous people don't join Marxists guerrillas. If Argentina was doing so well back then, how do you explain the state of civil war the country was under?
Your story makes no sense.
And how to you explain life expectancy of Mexico vs. Argentina?
I dont know of life expectancy, but life, and probably lots of other social indicators are far away here in Mexico than in Argentina. You have massive informal job, poverty... you have thousands of people living in low income. Although, for instance, I find Mexico safer than Argentina, at least in its frequency. And Mexico do not have a strong agro, but they have great industry here, their industry represents more and have more weight in their exports than in Arg.
But in general the picture is pathetic here.
About canada, they didnt have a guerrilla, but they had and have a great state with enormous social spend, with lots of taxes and regulations to capitals, with lots of controls to market. Its more close to sweden socialism than to Cuba, but still, its a great social state. Although that might be changing currently.
The guerrilla and the left here in Argentina were represented by upper middle class people. The 60/70 crises were not economical, in fact the main revolutionary explosion here in Argentina, the Cordobazo (please google it) in 1969 was organised by students (and by students I always mean university students -always uppper middle class) and the best paid workers of the country, the workers of FIAT.
In the 60 and 70s the world experimented crises of all kinds, but the organic crisis the capitalism had in Latin America was not economical, but cultural. It was also a generation fight, rebel the youth against their parents, lets say miniskirt, long hair, hippism, drugs, etc, etc, etc, it was cultural. It was from people with resources, from people with education, and the context: welfare state, keynesianism, you didnt have the big concentrated capitals as today, you didnt have the 1%, a middle class family could live only with the income of the father so the mother stay at the house. Today we have that no more.