The Argentine Time Tunnel.

Matt84: That''s because Peronism IS facism.It was and STILL IS facist.It is a copyof Mussilini's fascismt Peron brought back from Europe after bring a military attache in Italy.La Campora is frightingly similar to the unthinking Hitler Jugend of the Nazi Ziet.
Matt84: That''s because Peronism IS facism.It was and STILL IS facist.It is a copyof Mussilini's fascismt Peron brought back from Europe after bring a military attache in Italy.La Campora is frightingly similar to the unthinking Hitler Jugend of the Nazi Ziet.

maybe, but one has to admit how confusing it is with groups of them fighting among each other and giving the impression of disagreement and thus pluralism
Matt84: That''s because Peronism IS facism.It was and STILL IS facist.It is a copyof Mussilini's fascismt Peron brought back from Europe after bring a military attache in Italy.La Campora is frightingly similar to the unthinking Hitler Jugend of the Nazi Ziet.

Where's Ejcot and his Godwin's animated GIF?
Matt84 Peronist Disagreement and in fighting confusing? Very much so.Google the Ezeiza Massacre June 20,1973 the day Peron returned from exile and May 1,1974 when Peron thru the Montonero revolutionaries out of Plaza de Mayo calling them "imberbes" -beardless,snotty -nosed kids.Peron was a fascist just like Moussilini,Hitler and Franco.What he definitely was not,was a communist revolutionary. So the 1970s were mostly middle class? Why did the Montoneros appear then? Please!
yes, I am really a blacksmith. But I dont shoe horses, or make knives. I have been making furniture, fences, railings, stairs, balconies, signs, lighting, seating, and artwork for over 30 years- in the USA, not in CABA. In CABA, I only have a departmento. No room for martillo pillon, or other gigantic machines that weigh thousands of kilos and require lots of power, and make lots of noise.

There will be an interesting gathering of blacksmiths in Parque Rivadavia, in the beginning of March next year, with public demonstrations and construction of an artwork. It is a joint venture by US and Argentine blacksmiths, the first of its kind.

My website is
This man, Walenty Pytel, is a craftsman from my home town of Hereford in England.
Energy independence?
it were not true, your statement is laughable. Oil is cheaper to import than produce it in Argentina. Argentine domestically produced oil is fixed at ~$77.00 a barrel by K and her brain trust. Brent crude @$49.32 for import. Argentine economics at it best I guess. Good luck

Right! Then you need usd.
Helloooooo, whatever is produced here is paid in pesos.
If the youth had such a bright future, why join the guerrilla? If there was only 6% poverty, how did they get support from the working class? The Canadian youth is not joining and never joined Marxist guerrillas. Happy, prosperous people don't join Marxists guerrillas. If Argentina was doing so well back then, how do you explain the state of civil war the country was under?

Your story makes no sense.

And how to you explain life expectancy of Mexico vs. Argentina?

After 30 years of coups, teens instead of tatoo and listening to Marilym Mason, were joining defiance groups, many of which were infintrated by cuban agents, simply.

Mexico? You mean were the Cartels cut people in pieces for fun? Really?