The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

What we need for this thread is an iron fisted dictator to poner la casa en orden. I nominate Arlean.
What we need for this thread is an iron fisted dictator to poner la casa en orden. I nominate Arlean.
Why do I see this story ending something like Animal Farm or Lord of the Flies? Hey, that could be a whole new thread - if the forum members were a character in Lord of the Flies, who would they be???
Why do I see this story ending something like Animal Farm or Lord of the Flies? Hey, that could be a whole new thread - if the forum members were a character in Lord of the Flies, who would they be???

Better yet, if we were Animal Farm characters there would be no argument about who should be Napoleon.
Will Obamacare limit my gun rights?


Under Obamacare, you still have more "gun rights" in the USA than anywhere else in the world, and while the various internet websites like Drudge that have a direct line into Obama's secret thoughts will tell you how he is scheming to take them away, in reality, the only laws Obama have actually signed regarding guns have EXPANDED "gun rights" in the USA.

You might be able to buy an RPG at the market, in Yemen, but if the Yemeni police take it away from you, there is no First amendment right, or supreme court, to appeal to. You just take your lumps and keep quiet.

Every other actual civilized nation with a working economy has BOTH more public health care than Romneycare, AND stricter gun laws.
Attributing people's motives to such narrow grounds amounts to almost total reductionism.
I do not recall requesting your opinion. If you do not like it or understand it don't try to reposition it.
I do not recall requesting your opinion. If you do not like it or understand it don't try to reposition it.

Sorry, but by posting on, and reading, internet forums, you are automatically "requesting" opinions.
If you truly dont want to read other people's opinions, what the hell are you doing on this website?

I suppose you could have your own blog, and not allow comments.
The problem being, of course, that there might be nobody reading it.

Other people all tend to come with opinions. The only way to avoid them is to be a hermit.