The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Yes I can see now why a lying expert is your role model as you have built your life around lies and more lies as seen by your dishonest books that you try to sell to a gullible public. People are waking up though to people like you and we all look forward to the day that true and honest people are the rulers in the world.
We need order... this thread was about good things of being an expat... it went in all direcctions, Obamacare , Gun Legislation.... etc :rolleyes:

Actually, this thread was about the best (singular) reason to be an expat, and in my opinion the reason (for those from the USA) is Obamacare.

Since I started this thread much more has been revealed, and it's all bad.
Yes I can see now why a lying expert is your role model as you have built your life around lies and more lies as seen by your dishonest books that you try to sell to a gullible public. People are waking up though to people like you and we all look forward to the day that true and honest people are the rulers in the world.

"True and honest people" don't want to rule the world.

They don't want to rule anyone.
Yes I can see now why a lying expert is your role model as you have built your life around lies and more lies as seen by your dishonest books that you try to sell to a gullible public. People are waking up though to people like you and we all look forward to the day that true and honest people are the rulers in the world.

Sami continues to suffer from irony deficiency.
Under Obamacare, you still have more "gun rights" in the USA than anywhere else in the world, and while the various internet websites like Drudge that have a direct line into Obama's secret thoughts will tell you how he is scheming to take them away, in reality, the only laws Obama have actually signed regarding guns have EXPANDED "gun rights" in the USA.

You might be able to buy an RPG at the market, in Yemen, but if the Yemeni police take it away from you, there is no First amendment right, or supreme court, to appeal to. You just take your lumps and keep quiet.

Every other actual civilized nation with a working economy has BOTH more public health care than Romneycare, AND stricter gun laws.

Yes! If you LIKE your gun, you can KEEP your gun!

(Words yet to be said by the collectivist in chief....before the mass (attempt at) confiscation!)

It's time to collect those children killing guns and anyone who resists will be declared a criminal..

And subject to an involuntary visit to a FEMA camp. :angry:
Yes! If you LIKE your gun, you can KEEP your gun!

(Words yet to be said by the collectivist in chief....before the mass (attempt at) confiscation!)

It's time to collect those children killing guns and anyone who resists will be declared a criminal..

And subject to an involuntary visit to a FEMA camp. :angry:

Looks like somebody's been hoarding his tinfoil for emergencies.
Unfortunately when it comes to defending Obama or attacking Sami you seem to have rationality deficiency. That's quite bad since you appear to sell rationality as one of your strengths.

You appear to be making some unwarranted assumptions.
Are we back on Gun Control , or is this just yet another useless yarn to throw stones in our glass houses ?

BTW , great the latest assault weapon mass shooter at LAX actually shot men in uniform instead of little kids in school.

If mental health is covered under Obama care , this gun control issue may just work itself out !

It's humor folks , relax.....