The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

I'm sitting in a hotel,still traveling. I saw where El Queso had posted and I always read El Queso. even if I don't see something the same as he does his arguments are always intelligent. There are a few others of you I also like to read. I like the debate idea as well.

I have a few words for the few who would benefit. We have more power than most people realize. We think we are dependent on government and on the medical complex. We can choose otherwise. In 1999 I had arthritis (diagnosed 30 years earlier) with serious pain getting out of bed in the mornings. Had basil cell carcinoma, removed surgically at times, when I was diagnosed with an abdominal tumor and set up for immediate surgery. I was incredibly weak, in pain and in my brother's care (and my wonderful sister-in-law) unable to live on my own. I had seen Dr. Loraine Day on TV a couple months before. She was an M.D., breast cancer, two unsuccessful surgeries, given up to die. She chose to change her lifestyle, refused both radiation and chemo and regained her health. She is well today and I think she's 77, not sure.

With my family's agreement I decided to postpone surgery for three months and try what Dr. Day did. My surgeon said if you delay six months, you WILL have the surgery but it will be emergency surgery. I got Dr. Day's DVD and stuck by it TO THE LETTER. Part of that is absolutely no sugar or white bread. It isn't easy to break that habit but I did. Sugar feeds cancer and causes inflammation throughout the body (hence; arthritis). Also involves eating most things raw and three quarts of fresh vegetable juice a day and a few other things. Doesn't involve "taking stuff," just serious lifestyle change.

Four months later I was able to return to my home, not completely well but decidedly stronger. Before another month passed the basil cell carcinoma lesion on my face fell off and I've had no further incidence of skin cancer. In another few months my arthritis of 30 years was gone and today I bounce out of bed with no pain anywhere. Even exrays show there is now no arthritis in my spine. Now I am free of pain, in good health, I have gone back to work and am traveling and living in South America. Who would have believed that in 1999 when this all happened? Not many.

A lot more things are in our hands if we just take responsibility for them. But we do have to take action ourselves. I have no intention of being part of any health program. I can also live anywhere I want. I don't have to be near a hospital. That's part of being free. We are not free when we are dependent. My problem would be if I got hit by a bus, and I watch carefully when I cross the street! I hope this encourages someone to realize that we are not nearly as dependent as we are led to believe. Most of us have a choice.
I'm sitting in a hotel,still traveling. I saw where El Queso had posted and I always read El Queso. even if I don't see something the same as he does his arguments are always intelligent. I like the debate idea as well.

I have a few words for the few who would benefit. We have more power than most people realize. We think we are dependent on government and on the medical complex. We can choose otherwise. In 1999 I had arthritis (diagnosed 30 years earlier) with serious pain getting out of bed in the mornings. Had basil cell carcinoma, removed surgically at times, when I was diagnosed with an abdominal tumor and set up for immediate surgery. I was incredibly weak, in pain and in my brother's care (and my wonderful sister-in-law) unable to live on my own. I had seen Dr. Loraine Day on TV a couple months before. She was an M.D., breast cancer, two unsuccessful surgeries, given up to die. She chose to change her lifestyle, refused both radiation and chemo and regained her health. She is well today and I think she's 77, not sure.

With my family's agreement I decided to postpone surgery for three months and try what Dr. Day did. My surgeon said if you delay six months, you WILL have the surgery but it will be emergency surgery. I got Dr. Day's DVD and stuck by it TO THE LETTER. Part of that is absolutely no sugar or white bread. It isn't easy to break that habit but I did. Sugar feeds cancer and causes inflammation throughout the body (hence; arthritis). Also involves eating most things raw and three quarts of fresh vegetable juice a day and a few other things. Doesn't involve "taking stuff," just serious lifestyle change.

Four months later I was able to return to my home, not completely well but decidedly stronger. Before another month passed the basil cell carcinoma lesion on my face fell off and I've had no further incidence of skin cancer. In another few months my arthritis of 30 years was gone and today I bounce out of bed with no pain anywhere. Even exrays show there is now no arthritis in my spine. Now I am free of pain, in good health, I have gone back to work and am traveling and living in South America. Who would have believed that in 1999 when this all happened? Not many.

A lot more things are in our hands if we just take responsibility for them. But we do have to take action ourselves. I have no intention of being part of any health program. I can also live anywhere I want. I don't have to be near a hospital. That's part of being free. We are not free when we are dependent. My problem would be if I got hit by a bus, and I watch carefully when I cross the street! I hope this encourages someone to realize that we are not nearly as dependent as we are led to believe. Most of us have a choice.

Anecdotal histories are no basis for good public policy.
Arlean, maybe this isn't the thread to dish out medical advice. To be fair, I avoid eating refined sugars and white bread. Good luck crossing those roads.
When I 1st heard/read about a national health plan as ACA or obamacare a couple of years ago thought to myself, great at last US is going to join the other civilised nations and implement an affordable for all "National health system" I thought at first and said to myself, great pretty soon I will be able to lower my current CA's kaiser health plan from circa US$1000 a month to more like a couple of hundread dollars. Boy, was I wrong.! Kaiser has sent me a new under Obama care, my future monthly expenditure is going to cost me much higher than already prohibitely high dues.! ACA, as thought it meant, affordable care for every one, more like in Japan, or UK or EU states, for example: in Japan we can enlist in the Japanese national health system for mere US$150.00 a month or there about. J-citizens and foreigners alike.

Why didn't the US copied the EU or Japan's national health system which are very affordable for every one? Why is that the US ACA will cost so much for all of us.? Anyone in the know out there?
Affordable healthcare was never the intention of the lawmakers who passed it or the president who signed it.
Republican critics of Obamacare rose up in anger today, claiming that after two months of fixes, the Web site is now “unacceptably fast.” ,,, at such high speeds “it is questionable whether this Web site is even safe for consumers to use, particularly the elderly.”

Jesus, thats a beautiful post. Nice job. I hope Steve doesn't sign up and find out that at his income level he gets full coverage for 30$$$ a month.
Which Obama continued.

thats because Obama, far from being a socialist, is a center right politician who is not all that different from Bush.

Luckily, the REAL socialists keep moving forward- Vermont just passed a true single payer health care plan, allowed by Obamacare and its federal funding, which will mean everybody in Vermont pays no insurance, no doctor bills, just taxes. Then you show up at the hospital, and they treat you.
Kind of like in Argentina...