The dreaded 90 day closure letter

It is an international account and they know that I live outside of the US. I did not have to provide my DNI. Only my SS number. I did have to provide copies of two utility bills to prove that I live where I said I lived.
Thank you Pulgas, this is very helpful!
Good news, after some digging...I reached out to Schwab International and they allow expats residing in Argentina to transfer any IRA. I simply have to select Argentina as the country of residence on the online application.
Are there downsides to using an International Account? I have my brokerage acct at Schwab, wondering if I'm going to get a letter?
Are there downsides to using an International Account? I have my brokerage acct at Schwab, wondering if I'm going to get a letter?
From what little I've read the only downside is the restrictions of certain investments such as mutual funds.

Every brokerage house is different, some allow account holders moving abroad to keep their legacy investments (but not purchase additional restricted vehicles), other require holders to divest from any restricted vehicles, and others require holders to close their account completely (obviously not your case).

I'm sure some other users here that had to move from a Schwab US to International account can chime in on their experience.