The Firts Boys band: made in Argentina

I am pretty sure 1967 comes before 1982, and that these are boys-

or does it only count as a "band" if you DONT play instruments?

by the way, Tremendo is anything but.

Why would anyone in Argentina want to listen to such music, after ten years of such things as Pescado Rabioso and Invisible?
It would be like going back to eating raw meat after experiencing parrilla.
Lee, I was talking about "Antology". It hasnt any sense to comparate something maded 30 years ago with something maked now!!... USA had the New kinds on the block in the middle of the 80's, and Im just saying that we had this kind of "boys band" a little before. And im think they was good enough in their time being the first at least in spanish language.
R U guys really debating who is a better boy band and which one came 1st? LOL
Yes, for those who likes pop, and boys/girls bands music. So whats the charge¿?¿? guys are forgetting Menudo. It started back in the 1970s

Tremendo are just a bunch of Menudo copycats
Menudo was an american production with guys from Puerto rico, and they started at the same time than Tremendo, anyway Tremendo was 100% Argentine.