The Ghost of Peronism: Why Argentina Keeps Making the Same Mistakes

What I’m suggesting (and this is something a millennial can never understand, since nothing evidently occurred before they read about it in school a few years ago) is that believe it or not there are people still alive today who, to varying degrees, live with the aftereffects of these disastrous ideologies you so glibly describe as “not for everyone”. Be aware of that.
Specifically, this is why you are supposed to go beyond "Lenin killed a bunch of people" in your understanding. Not to repeat the same mistakes. When, for example, Biden tells U.S. oil companies not to sit on record profits and help American families who struggle to make ends meet, this brings too many parallels.
Of there is much more to it. But in the debate let’s be clear that there are sensitivities still keenly felt by millions (perhaps hundreds of millions). And let’s be clear about who our heroes really were.