The Idiocy Of Correo Argentino!


Mar 10, 2012
This falls under the category WTFYCBS! (the last four are; You Can't Be Serious)

A couple of weeks ago a notice arrived from Correo Argentino that I needed to present myself at the local post office. Apparently, something came in the mail and whatever it was needed a signature. So, I go to the post office and they tell me that I have a package to pick up at Retiro. My first question was, "Why didn't the notice say I needed to go directly to Retiro?" But, why waste time asking questions that only get a stupid look in return?

Hmmm... I wasn't expecting a package. I have stopped ordering things online when I determined it was cheaper and less of a PIA to fly to Miami, buy there whatever it was I needed, and then fly back home with it. What can it be?

I travel to Retiro and wait for 40 minutes just to get into the building. Once inside my notice was stamped and I was directed to the cashier line. This took another 40 minutes. While waiting I went through all of the possibilities of what this could be - a case of Dr. Pepper, a gallon of real Canadian maple syrup, 5 pounds of smoked bacon, Krispy Kreme donuts, a box of one hundred Dollar bills ...

After paying my A$R25 I take my seat. This wait was much shorter - only 28 minutes. My number is called and I am directed behind the partition with apt anticipation - looking much like Mr. Bean. At the counter the woman takes my ticket and pulls out a small, padded envelope. Huh? That doesn't look like Dr. Pepper. She asks me what it is. Gee, I have no idea ... what is the return address? It is from my mother. We open it and it is 2 birthday cards - one for me and one for my daughter. Our birthdays were in February. I look at the date it was post marked. January 28th.

Mr. Bean quickly turned into Jack Nicholson. 4 hours, A$R25, and 4 months to get two f*cking birthday cards to me! I started yelling (yes, in Spanish). What a freaking joke! Que absurdo! Son idiotas! I am seriously surprised the police were not called. I took my greeting cards, signed the list, and left.

My advice to my Argentine friends: We know that service here in Argentina isn't the greatest, but you guys really need to raise your expectations demand more from your government.


wow, makes me even more interested in getting a PO Box in Uruguay. When a simple envelope gets held up it really is too much.
I'd like to know what the $25 represented GS.
Are you saying that the sender pays the respective postage in the country of origin and then the recipient in Arg then pays for the privilege of collecting the item, regardless of the value?

My advice to my Argentine friends: We know that service here in Argentina isn't the greatest, but you guys really need to raise your expectations demand more from your government.



the ppl here have been defeated along time ago. They can barely put on feet in front of the other. Just look at them. They have more to do with zombies than intelligent sentient beings, nevermind them be offended by unacceptable bureaucratic practices. Thank you for yelling at them in the post office though, and keeping the standards of a basic modern society expectations alive [insert non existent thumb up emoticon here/]
I'd like to know what the $25 represented GS.
Are you saying that the sender pays the respective postage in the country of origin and then the recipient in Arg then pays for the privilege of collecting the item, regardless of the value?
Yup that's how it is.

Its a processing fee or something. Everyone pays it. I was in correo in retiro for over an hour after it closed last weds. I went to pick up some orthopaedic inserts and a pestle that I had sent to me by a family member in February.

The funny thing is that I traveled to the US 9 days ago, some 3 months after the package had been mailed and it would have been faster for me to have picked them up there.

The whole experience is just shit, bring a book and a bong.
You just got unlucky man. One year ago I bought a Spyder4elite to calibrate the colors of my monitors and I got it right to my house. It is worth 250 dollars and I had to pay the total amount of 0 pesos to the mail man for custom fees. Two years ago I bought a 7 inch monitor from China and payed much less than the 50% required fee (i payed like 25 dollars in a 200 dollars monitor)
I'm starting to think this forum is filled with the unluckiest people on planet earth.
Too bad that your mother didn't ask you if you received the cards that she sent in a padded envelope. Tell her, that next year, she should sing "Happy Birthday" over the telephone, instead of sending cards. The same thought about Christmas.
Too bad that your mother didn't ask you if you received the cards that she sent in a padded envelope. Tell her, that next year, she should sing "Happy Birthday" over the telephone, instead of sending cards. The same thought about Christmas.

She did ask if I had received her cards. I thought they had just gotten lost. I'll suggest the idea of singing to her. :)
You just got unlucky man. One year ago I bought a Spyder4elite to calibrate the colors of my monitors and I got it right to my house. It is worth 250 dollars and I had to pay the total amount of 0 pesos to the mail man for custom fees. Two years ago I bought a 7 inch monitor from China and payed much less than the 50% required fee (i payed like 25 dollars in a 200 dollars monitor)
I'm starting to think this forum is filled with the unluckiest people on planet earth.
We received all our mail too until Christmas and the new regulations and now nothing arrives. Nothing unlucky, just government regulation, red tape and jobs for the gnocchis.
his should speak for itself. I've been waiting for 5 months. Its the principal now.
I'm saying its sex toys if they make me go to reterio because I'll be damned if
I'm paying to get something 5 months after it arrived in the country.
