The Misuse Of Cadena Nacional


Sep 18, 2009
Or network hogging, call it what you like,but it seems to me that the president is trampling all over the whatever rules and regulations are left in the constitution.
We all know she has always abused this network, but as the elections approach, she is using what used to be for emergency broadcasts only, for her own and party benefit and as usual, seems answerable to no one.
If anything, she should be impeached, it's sickening and our transistor radio OFF buttons need to be redesigned as big red buttons with CFK and a big cross through it.

Here we go:
  • Artículo 75° de la ley 26.522. "El Poder Ejecutivo nacional o los poderes ejecutivos provinciales podrán, en situaciones graves, excepcionales o de trascendencia institucional, disponer la integración de la cadena de radiodifusión nacional o provincial, según el caso, que será obligatoria para todos los licencitarios"
At this moment CFK on Cadena Nacional promoting a locally made bulletproof Vest an achievement. BTW Alicia Kirchener next to her, is looking more atractive , future Governor of Santa Cruz..!
In North Korea people have speakers in their apartments without any off button so things here are considerably more free!
but they have to because clarin owns every station and if they didn't broadcast on every channel nobody would hear their propaganda. about their amazing achievements.
Boudou making Fun with speech....???


Costumes; by Armani Collection
Thank you for confirming that it is legal. She decides if it is relevant or not as the President and i understand it is under "trascendencia institucional".

You just dislike it. Turn the tv off.

FYI in South Korea they also have this speackers in the street
I like cadena nacional. I learn Spanish and have fun at the same time. She is less morbid than most of other psychotics usually wasting time on TV here.
I like cadena nacional. I learn Spanish and have fun at the same time. She is less morbid than most of other psychotics usually wasting time on TV here.

Very true very entertaining speeches much shorter than Chavez Alo Presidente, Or Fidel's 12 hour dissertations.

CFK is not a Dictadora as La Chichi Legrand accused , this is not in a DictaDura but a DictaBlanda la Chichi retorted...!
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