The New Head Of Banco Nacion

He was the mayor and ups, the reglamentation was changed. Administrative officers has no freedom, they do what the mayor says.
If there is any doubt about Macri`s responsability, as soon as the judge cancel the contest for racism, the 7 lawyers of the city that came to the hearing confirmed it.
There were many Macrista agents and they showed to be outraged with the idea of mixing foreigners with pure porteños.
Them I ask if they were planning to create a Matrobus for white people and one for black people.
They did, they kept the category of pure porteños and they create a new category for foreigners. So, they didn´t mix them.

The rights here are because of your address, not where you were born or your citizenship. The requirements can be regarding, only, expertize.
That year an awkful couple of pure porteños won because all the best couples were a mix of locals and foreigners.
They didn´t went to the world cup because it was so clear that they were not better for just being born here.

Finally, they didn´t change the category of pure porteño, they created
So they created a category for qualifications for the tango world cup?

A closely related and highly influential event is the Buenos Aires City competition. The competition rules[sup][14][/sup] state that members of the couple must both have "DNI" (i.e. have a resident status of 2 years or more) in Argentina.

Seems sensible if you are trying to promote tango in different regions to prevent people from just coming in from abroad to win the local qualifications to qualify.

I don´t have access to the criminal case to read it.

So there's nothing really to answer? He doesn't appear to have said much in the press from what i can see. Only pointing out that it was organised by the kirchneristas.

No, for being extreme right you also have to have issues with xenophobia.

You haven't shown any proof of Xenophobia.

Well, if Macri supports this person who belongs to the Opus Dei, then he agrees with him. Tell me who are your friend and I tell you who you are.

By the way, Cecilia Pando incited to vote for Macri. She is a confessed extreme right leader:

I'm sure many extreme right wing people voted for Macri, but it doesn't make Macri himself an "extreme right wing".

You never said whether the Kirchners were extreme right wing when they were with Menem or whether Menem was extreme right wing.
To explain that the ceremony for becoming a President during a coup is at Casa Rosada and at The Congress during democracy is descriptive. Macri insist to do it at Casa Rosada like dictators used to do in the past. I wonder why?

With all due respect - and I have too much respect for your intelligence to believe that you do not know this - the reason is not difficult to understand.

Once we dismiss the coup/democracy bit as silly propaganda - from 1983 on, the handover of the presidential symbols/artifacts has been conducted in the Casa Rosada in the case of all but 3 incoming presidents, two of which three bore the surname Kirchner - the reason Macri wants this is not difficult to discern.

Quite simply, he considers the ceremony his party and not Cristina's. Understandably and rightly so, one may add: ascension ceremonies tend to work that way. Whether you choose to see his wanting it to be so in a cynical light (he thinks it's all about him) or an idealistic one (he wants the focus to be on the future) the fact is that incoming leaders usually get to celebrate their commencement on their own terms.

So we have a) his desire to have a normal celebration of a new era; b ) strong signs that the outgoing administration does not see it that way, and does not feel bound to norms of transition processes in democratic countries; c) a guaranteed presence of La Campora at the event, bidding their farewells to the Dear Leader; d) the conspicuous absence of any commitment or order for them to stay classy.

Must one be a genius to offer, you know, an alternative reason for wanting a traditional handover - other than Macri wanting to convince the country that even though he won the vote, he'd really like to be seen as the leader of a coup?


Come on. Or as some might say, helloooooooo.
There are always extreme examples on all sides, and then there is the mainstream of each side. To impute hate to the opposition and fail to see that most of the opposition consists of principled opposition to, and perhaps principled disgust with, much of the style and actions of the government in the last years, is to be dishonest or very wrong.

Look, there was one person who went to celebrate Macri's victory with a coffin with CFK written in it. Please!!!!!

On the 20 of dezember i went to Plaza de Mayo to complain against former Minister of Economy Domingo Cavallo, the guy who created the crisis of 2001. When police started the represion i organized the people around me and we made the cops with motorcycles and shotguns to run away. The day after 5 people died there.
Later Cavallo was enjailed and I worked 70 hours non stop for release him, something we acchieved.
I never felt hate, i cannot feel it and I don't understand people who spit hate.

Bajo. Do you sincerely believe that the President's tone and actions of the past week and a half have been appropriate for an outgoing head of state of a democratic country?

Macri barely won the Presidency. But he is not the President, she is and she won by 53% of the votes while the second one was far away. Scioli got 48,66 %.
The FPV still has a lot of power at Congress.

The problem is that Macri wants to have power like she had (with a non existent opposition but he barely won and he is going to face a determinated opposition.

This is democracy.

I refer here specifically to the President herself, perhaps to Anibal as well.

I was working too much these days, i didn't follow him.
He said that they are not going to have money right? Well, if you read him properly, he said: you have to print money.

Do you find her insistence on controlling the ascension ceremony's locations appropriate?

It is 100% appropiate. The power of the President comes from people and the Congress is where people is represented.

Only during dictatorships the power was given at the Casa Rosada from one dictator to another.

If you read article 30 of the National Constitution it says that the power comes from Congress to the President and what Macri wants makes him a traitor.

Anibal Fernandez is right when he says that the art. 93 of the National Constitution established the procedure. If they do what Macri wants, they can be later prosecuted by violating their duties aS public officers.

Do you find her last DNU - ostensibly to comply with a court ruling, a ruling that gave the national government 120 days to come to an agreement with the 3 provinces involved in the legal action, a ruling decried within her own administration - do you find that DNU, with 60 working hours left as President, appropriate?

With all my respect, she did what she has to do. Stare decisis (mandatory precedets) works only for Supreme Court decision on Constitutional matters. Here there is no freedom neither for judges. The ejecutive Power can only enforce it.
So, it means that once the SC ruled for one province, it is the President's duty to enforce that precedent to all the provinces because this is not private law beteen 2 persons, this is about the federal institutions of the State. It is called federal public order.

Of course, Macri is not a lawyer and I already showed you that the National Constitution is not impirtant for him. What a President, someone who doesn't care about institutions.

- Do you consider her stated desire to co-opt Macri's ascension ceremony as her farewell party appropriate? Does it not seem to you right that his camp should set the day's agenda?

- Do you consider her tone on various pronouncements over the last few days appropriate?

Just asking.

She is the President until the last second
What was inapropiated was Macri pronouncements of the last days that are creating hiper inflacion. The price of flour rise over 100% because he said too soon that retenciones are going to be lifted. Irresponsible.

But you are doing the wrong questions.
He said too soon he was going to pay the vultures. Of course he is going to find the CB empty of usd. Stupid him.

Menem never said in advance what he was going to do. Smarter.
Extreme right. Let's see:

1) Macri created the category pure argentine for the tango contest:


According to the article (which was about...which lawyer?):

In a hearing last month, Metropolitano organizers argued that they had a right to impose entry restrictions because the winners will represent Buenos Aires here this August in the finals of a larger event it calls the "Dance World Cup," which last year attracted 460 couples from 21 countries. City tango spokeswoman Valeria Solarz says that, of course, foreigner dancers will be welcomed with open arms to the World Cup. But she adds that it's only fitting that dancers bearing the hopes of Buenos Aires in the World Cup have roots here. In a concession to the foreign litigants, Metropolitano organizers offered to hold special side competitions for non-Argentines—and Judge Liberatori now says that may be the best outcome foreigners can realistically hope for.

I didn't see much more in the article about this point, most of the rest seemed about the contsitutional law expert lawyer, a Dr Christian Rubilar, who was making this a federal case.

Why is it that the foreigners can't qualify for the World Cup of Tango within their own countries and come to compete instead of forcing themselves into a competition whose winners will represent the city of Buenos Aires, an Argentine city? My apologies if i missed something in the rest of the thread or in the article, but it seems to me a valid position for at least this one competition.
According to the article (which was about...which lawyer?):

I didn't see much more in the article about this point, most of the rest seemed about the contsitutional law expert lawyer, a Dr Christian Rubilar, who was making this a federal case.

Why is it that the foreigners can't qualify for the World Cup of Tango within their own countries and come to compete instead of forcing themselves into a competition whose winners will represent the city of Buenos Aires, an Argentine city? My apologies if i missed something in the rest of the thread or in the article, but it seems to me a valid position for at least this one competition.

They can come live in Buenos Aires for 2 years and enter according to wikipedia.
According to the article (which was about...which lawyer?):

I didn't see much more in the article about this point, most of the rest seemed about the contsitutional law expert lawyer, a Dr Christian Rubilar, who was making this a federal case.

Why is it that the foreigners can't qualify for the World Cup of Tango within their own countries and come to compete instead of forcing themselves into a competition whose winners will represent the city of Buenos Aires, an Argentine city? My apologies if i missed something in the rest of the thread or in the article, but it seems to me a valid position for at least this one competition.

Because tango is the most cosmopolitan enviroment you can find in our culture.

I quoted the WSJ because this is in English.

Because the arts. 14 and 20 of the National Constitution established equal rights for inhabitants no matter their nationality. i never asked that people who live abroad can compete, only inhabitants no matter their citizenship because over 95% of tango dancers are foreigners and most coules are mixed. The % of them who live here i cannot say.

I m going to scan the decision during weekend, tomorrow I go to the countryside.

The class action involved 4 couples of argentine/foreigner.