The New Head Of Banco Nacion

Rich One, you need to be a lawyer for becoming the head of the Oficina Anti Corrupcion, Laurita Alonso is not. And you complained about Rossi? Seriously? Come on!

Constantini cannot replace Recalde because she is not Argentine (citizenship is a requirement)(i disagree with it).

Constantini born of Argentine Parents may have opted for Argentina Nationality as you know Jus Sanguinis.. Do you know?
To be fair the comparison of Alonso and Rossi would be on par if Alonso's last name was Macri/Larreta/Vidal and in her CV she claimed to have law degrees or have done law courses from various non existent online schools and had claimed legal experience.

None of that seems to be the case.

Sure it can be argued that she's not qualified for the job (I don't know enough to say either way) but whatever her shortcomings (or not) in terms of experience and education, no one seems to be suggesting she's lying on her CV.

With that in mind, no thanks. Rossi can stay out of Banco de la Nacion. I'm sure she'll find another non existent online course to keep herself busy.
Extreme right. Let's see:

1) Macri created the category pure argentine for the tango contest:

2) one of the 214 criminal cases is for incite hatred by Nationality:

3) they voted against equal right marriage and asserted that homosexuality is a disease:

4) Albino belong to the opus day, an extrem right sect. Albino belongs to the Pro, Macri sponsors his best seller about wives who must allow their husbands to rape them:

1: The article doesn't even mention Macri, also it appears to originally be a qualifier for Buenos Aires in the Tango world cup in that article? is this new category now the qualifier for the world cup? Did Macri personally organise all this or is it an event that has been running for years that he just happened to take over because he was elected the guy in charge of the city?

2: This is to do with the seizure of American Indian Park in 2010? When Evo Morales called for all Bolivians to leave the park as they were decreasing the status of all Bolivians in Argentina and the whole thing was set up by the Kirchners? What was it Macri actually said?


3: The pope also campaigned against this. Is he also an Extreme Right Wing?

4: pretty sure people here have already criticised this guy, he seems to be a bit of a nutcase.
To be fair the comparison of Alonso and Rossi would be on par if Alonso's last name was Macri/Larreta/Vidal and in her CV she claimed to have law degrees or have done law courses from various non existent online schools and had claimed legal experience.

None of that seems to be the case.

Sure it can be argued that she's not qualified for the job (I don't know enough to say either way) but whatever her shortcomings (or not) in terms of experience and education, no one seems to be suggesting she's lying on her CV.

With that in mind, no thanks. Rossi can stay out of Banco de la Nacion. I'm sure she'll find another non existent online course to keep herself busy.

We changed nepotism by despotism.

Laws and decrees MUST be enacted for a general situation while judges decide in cases with name and last name.

If Macri enacts a decree to allow Alonso to become the head of the anti corruption office, then, this is despotism.

On the other hand, if you put someone who doesn't fit the minimum education requirements for the job, well, I guess that Niembro has nothing to worry about ;) if the head of that office is his friend, she doesn't know law neither to investigate.

The proper candidate for this position is Manuel Garrido.
He is a lawyer ;)
Secundum laude
He did the same job before.

He dorsn't need to lie in the CV.

While i m being accuse of being from La Campora (like it is a crime to belong to it), the fact is that I don't know personally not even one of them, but i know Garrido who now is a congressman of the radical party.
Constantini cannot replace Recalde because she is not Argentine (citizenship is a requirement)(i disagree with it).

In this country there is no difference between foreigners and citizens besides political rights.
Art. 16 stablishes that the only requirement for a job is expertize, then, nationality is not a requirement.

The admiral Brown (who was for us like Nelson was for the Brithish) was Irish, not argentine and he was the head of the navy (he created it, in fact), and a national hero.
1: The article doesn't even mention Macri, also it appears to originally be a qualifier for Buenos Aires in the Tango world cup in that article? is this new category now the qualifier for the world cup? Did Macri personally organise all this or is it an event that has been running for years that he just happened to take over because he was elected the guy in charge of the city?

He was the mayor and ups, the reglamentation was changed. Administrative officers has no freedom, they do what the mayor says.
If there is any doubt about Macri`s responsability, as soon as the judge cancel the contest for racism, the 7 lawyers of the city that came to the hearing confirmed it.
There were many Macrista agents and they showed to be outraged with the idea of mixing foreigners with pure porteños.
Them I ask if they were planning to create a Metrobus for white people and one for black people.
They did, they kept the category of pure porteños and they create a new category for foreigners. So, they didn´t mix them.

The rights here are because of your address, not where you were born or your citizenship. The requirements can be regarding, only, expertize.
That year an awkful couple of pure porteños won because all the best couples were a mix of locals and foreigners.
They didn´t went to the world cup because it was so clear that they were not better for just being born here.

2: This is to do with the seizure of American Indian Park in 2010? When Evo Morales called for all Bolivians to leave the park as they were decreasing the status of all Bolivians in Argentina and the whole thing was set up by the Kirchners? What was it Macri actually said?

I don´t have access to the criminal case to read it.

3: The pope also campaigned against this. Is he also an Extreme Right Wing?

No, for being extreme right you also have to have issues with xenophobia.

4: pretty sure people here have already criticised this guy, he seems to be a bit of a nutcase.

Well, if Macri supports this person who belongs to the Opus Dei, then he agrees with him. Tell me who are your friend and I tell you who you are.

By the way, Cecilia Pando incited to vote for Macri. She is a confessed extreme right leader.

To disagree with Macri and to evidence his past has nothing to do with hate. To explain that the ceremony for becoming a President during a coup is at Casa Rosada and at The Congress during democracy is descriptive. Macri insist to do it at Casa Rosada like dictators used to do in the past. I wonder why?

This is to be an appositor.

To call the President "La Shegua" is discriminative by gender and also is incitement to hatred.

By the way, Cecilia Pando incited to vote for Macri. She is a confessed extreme right leader:

You know who is she, right?

¡Disminuyamos la brecha de género en Wikipedia!
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Cecilia Pando

María Cecilia Pando (Buenos Aires, 9 de septiembre de 1967)[sup]1[/sup] [sup]2[/sup] es una activista argentina de derecha ultraconservadora, esposa del mayor retirado Pedro Rafael Mercado (n. 1966)[sup]3[/sup] y presidenta del grupo político AFyAPPA (Asociación de Familiares y Amigos de los Presos Políticos de la Argentina), el cual considera «presos políticos» a los militares y personal de las fuerzas de seguridad procesados por la justicia civil por su participación en la represión ilegal durante la dictadura militar autodenominada Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, que fue responsable de la desaparición forzada de unos 30 000 presos políticos y torturó a más de 100 000.[sup]4[/sup] Los delitos que se imputan a sus defendidos incluyen tortura, desaparición forzada de personas, privación ilegítima de la libertad, robo, apropiación y adulteración de identidad de bebés.[sup]5[/sup]

This is the difference.
I walk the streets around here a fair bit, Buenos Aires does not lack for political exp<b></b>ression in the streets. I have yet to see the kind of images shown above in the wild. (EDIT: I don't see these images anymore: bajo, did you take them down?) I have seen, on the other hand, a great deal of not-very-classy propaganda in the other direction.

There are always extreme examples on all sides, and then there is the mainstream of each side. To impute hate to the opposition and fail to see that most of the opposition consists of principled opposition to, and perhaps principled disgust with, much of the style and actions of the government in the last years, is to be dishonest or very wrong.

But to go a little broader, I have a few general questions for bajo cero:

Bajo. Do you sincerely believe that the President's tone and actions of the past week and a half have been appropriate for an outgoing head of state of a democratic country?

I refer here specifically to the President herself, perhaps to Anibal as well.

Do you find her insistence on controlling the ascension ceremony's locations appropriate?

Do you find her last DNU - ostensibly to comply with a court ruling, a ruling that gave the national government 120 days to come to an agreement with the 3 provinces involved in the legal action, a ruling decried within her own administration - do you find that DNU, with 60 working hours left as President, appropriate?

- Do you consider her stated desire to co-opt Macri's ascension ceremony as her farewell party appropriate? Does it not seem to you right that his camp should set the day's agenda?

- Do you consider her tone on various pronouncements over the last few days appropriate?

Just asking.