I walk the streets around here a fair bit, Buenos Aires does not lack for political exp<b></b>ression in the streets. I have yet to see the kind of images shown above in the wild. (EDIT: I don't see these images anymore: bajo, did you take them down?) I have seen, on the other hand, a great deal of not-very-classy propaganda in the other direction.
There are always extreme examples on all sides, and then there is the mainstream of each side. To impute hate to the opposition and fail to see that most of the opposition consists of principled opposition to, and perhaps principled disgust with, much of the style and actions of the government in the last years, is to be dishonest or very wrong.
But to go a little broader, I have a few general questions for bajo cero:
Bajo. Do you sincerely believe that the President's tone and actions of the past week and a half have been appropriate for an outgoing head of state of a democratic country?
I refer here specifically to the President herself, perhaps to Anibal as well.
Do you find her insistence on controlling the ascension ceremony's locations appropriate?
Do you find her last DNU - ostensibly to comply with a court ruling, a ruling that gave the national government 120 days to come to an agreement with the 3 provinces involved in the legal action, a ruling decried within her own administration - do you find that DNU, with 60 working hours left as President, appropriate?
- Do you consider her stated desire to co-opt Macri's ascension ceremony as her farewell party appropriate? Does it not seem to you right that his camp should set the day's agenda?
- Do you consider her tone on various pronouncements over the last few days appropriate?
Just asking.