The New Head Of Banco Nacion

But you are doing the wrong questions.
He said too soon he was going to pay the vultures. Of course he is going to find the CB empty of usd. Stupid him.

Menem never said in advance what he was going to do. Smarter.

you don't see any problem with emptying the central bank of all the money before leaving?

If Cristina / the Campora / Alicia wins in 2019 and finds the bank empty that'll be fine too?
you don't see any problem with emptying the central bank of all the money before leaving?

If Cristina / the Campora / Alicia wins in 2019 and finds the bank empty that'll be fine too?

Look, this is a political decision of the President based on the lack of minimum political skills of the new President. Complain with Macri for being so stupid. A country is not a company.

Don't you see any issue about Paul Singer financiating Macri's campaign?????

I agree about not paying under Griesa's conditions because it is a vulgar display of power.

She, if she comes back, before 2017, is going to find the CB empty, high unemployment and a huge new debt.
Ben, if Macri quiere celeste, que le cueste.
He wants to rule without opposition. To be a President is not like to be a Ceo.
If he wants a party, he can rent a disco and hire Superbionica.
The National Constitution is there to be respected, and the ABC of public federal law is that you cannot ignore it because you feel like.
The National Congress is not a disco.
An oficial ceremony is that, a ceremony. And they are full of meaning: it is not the same to do it at the Congress or at Casa Rosada.

If he cannot deal with an unfriendly Congress, he can give up as he did in the debate with Scioli and Michetti can become President.

What about Vanolli's threads? Seems that this is the way Macri is goung to rule...

By the way, Nisman received several calls fron Alonso and Bullrich before to die. Any conection with Vanolli threads of death?

The ks clearly want to show that while they lost the presidency they still have the power in congress. Its a power play. The presidential hand over (the actual handover) is not about congress or party politics (or at least it shouldnt be).Its a specific process. Its not a moment for the outgoing president to use as a celebration and promote herself and party. Being president is not a relative position based on support in congress or how many votes he won by or how popular the outgoing president was or how many votes she won by in previous elections.. Macri will be the president. 100%. Full stop. Won by democratic vote. Whether anyone likes that or not. The outgoing president and her party and followers should respect that instead of being crass making the occassion all about them and disrespecting the hand over process and incoming president.

With regards to menem you are advocating deviousness which leaves the country massively in debt and huge social problems over honesty about intentions regarding macri and the holdouts?

The outgoing president spent nearly 50 billion dollars over 4 years and never figured out a way of recovering it. The holdouts are unsavoury but where are the credit dollars going to come from? Cfk has left macri with nothing. With no investment there is no growth. People willl suffer again.
We changed nepotism by despotism.

Laws and decrees MUST be enacted for a general situation while judges decide in cases with name and last name.

If Macri enacts a decree to allow Alonso to become the head of the anti corruption office, then, this is despotism.

On the other hand, if you put someone who doesn't fit the minimum education requirements for the job, well, I guess that Niembro has nothing to worry about ;) if the head of that office is his friend, she doesn't know law neither to investigate.

The proper candidate for this position is Manuel Garrido.
He is a lawyer ;)
Secundum laude
He did the same job before.

He dorsn't need to lie in the CV.

While i m being accuse of being from La Campora (like it is a crime to belong to it), the fact is that I don't know personally not even one of them, but i know Garrido who now is a congressman of the radical party.

Yes, you and I agree that the designation of Rossi as one of the directors of Banco Nacion was Nepotism. And from all your posts about "democracy" and "strong opposition to Macri in Congress" it would seem that we agree that Macri's presidency will not be despotism since despotism means absolute power without any opposition whatsoever. The appointment of Alonso does not amount to despotism just because you don't like her. Problem with decretos is that any president can create a decreto and then later any president who doesn't like it can change that decreto, for better or for worse. Lastly, his 8 years in the city clearly show no sign whatsoever of despotism.

In fact, according to you Cristina's government was all despotism (and I agree, it was), since you said:

The problem is that Macri wants to have power like she had (with a non existent opposition but he barely won and he is going to face a determinated opposition.

Anyway, I am sure there are more qualified people out there than Alonso like Garrido (I'll take your word for it since I don't know enough to make a judgement either way). However, calling that despotism is actually misunderstanding the term altogether.
Hm bajo, what happened to your lawyers logic when it comes to elections? Macri won for 3 percent, tru, but got more than half voters on his side. In normal countries this should be enough, it was enough for Scioli, but you think he should act like CFK is doing him a favor to allow him to seat on her throne with such a low support ...

And in normal countries they prosecute former presidents, if they empty reserves and do stuff CFK is doing now. I am sorry to hear, that Argentina is, again, lacking common sense in judicial system.
Only during dictatorships the power was given at the Casa Rosada from one dictator to another.
Are you saying that every president except for Nestor and Cristina was part of the military dictatorship since they all did the traspaso in Salon Blanco of Casa Rosada?

EDIT: Here's a video of all the "military dictators" before Nestor doing the ceremony in Salon Blanco of Casa Rosada:

If you read article 30 of the National Constitution it says that the power comes from Congress to the President and what Macri wants makes him a traitor.

Anibal Fernandez is right when he says that the art. 93 of the National Constitution established the procedure. If they do what Macri wants, they can be later prosecuted by violating their duties aS public officers.
Article 93 of the National Constitution says:

Artículo 93.- Al tomar posesión de su cargo el presidente y vicepresidente prestarán juramento, en manos del presidente del Senado y ante el Congreso reunido en Asamblea, respetando sus creencias religiosas, de "desempeñar con lealtad y patriotismo el cargo de Presidente (o vicepresidente) de la Nación y observar y hacer observar fielmente la Constitución de la Nación Argentina".

Macri is going to do the oath in Congress as the Constitution says:

El Pro plantea que Macri preste juramento y brinde su discurso ante la Asamblea Legislativa, en el Congreso, y luego se dirija hasta Balcarce 50 para encontrarse con la Presidenta y tomar posesión. http://www.lanacion....driguez-larreta
Hm bajo, what happened to your lawyers logic when it comes to elections? Macri won for 3 percent, tru, but got more than half voters on his side. In normal countries this should be enough, it was enough for Scioli, but you think he should act like CFK is doing him a favor to allow him to seat on her throne with such a low support ...

And in normal countries they prosecute former presidents, if they empty reserves and do stuff CFK is doing now. I am sorry to hear, that Argentina is, again, lacking common sense in judicial system.

That macri won is remarkable seeing how popular and entrenched peronism is. I mean cfk could have put forward a balloon with a smiley face on it as presidential candidate and it would have won at least 30% of the vote.