The Perfect Metaphor For Soccer

Imagine if they asked a baseball player to field at short leg, oh and without the big sissy glove - 'roids ain't gonna save you there.

It's easy to respect cricket, even if the rules are incomprehensible, because it requires similarly diverse athletic skills. In that context, this looks intriguing:

Note the comment at 1:32...
India may soon be poaching yanquis for their hit and giggle IPL which already has a higher average salary than MLB (and about 140 odd games less to play per season).
It's easy to respect cricket, even if the rules are incomprehensible, because it requires similarly diverse athletic skills. In that context, this looks intriguing:

Note the comment at 1:32...

You should like it they hit a ball with a stick and catch it. There's even more stupid made up stats too.

p.s. That film looks shit.
I doubt a cricket player could handle this one, and certainly a soccer player would have no chance:

Nor would they be able to avoid this one:
In reality, baseball adopted statistics as a way to evaluate players, and now makes the most sophisticated use of those techniques in any sport: http://en.wikipedia....i/Sabermetrics. This enriches our understanding of each individual game - and one of the sport's strengths is that you can't just run out the clock - and of players' seasonal and career trajectories.

I was in the stands in Chicago when Sammy Sosa hit two home runs in one game to break the 60 home run mark.

Finding out later that he was beefed up by drugs enriched my understanding of that individual game, alright.

Now, baseball makes use of the most sophisticated dug detection techniques of any sport.

The fact that is necessary says all I need to know about the sport.
But don't worry the Trobriand Islands will probably still be in your price range if you are looking to mine any more smug narrative about your little sport.
lol at yanquis and their "reasons" futbol sucks while it's popular:

1. It's a third world sport. You just need an old ball and a field, so everyone can play it. Well, for baseball you just need a ball and a stick, for basketball a ball and a basket, for american football a ball and a field, for ice hockey ice, skates and a stick. Oh, we can't afford any of that!
2. It's for soft men to play it, we like tough sports where we can show we are men. Well, if you have to show that you are a man through a sport I guess you have it all wrong.
3. Everyone can play it, you don't need to be an athlete. Hey! If anyone can play it you should go pro and earn millions of dollars! Futbol players earn much more that american football or nba players!!!
4. There are no tactics, that's why dumb third world citizens can enjoy it, it's just kicking a ball around a field. OTOH you have to be a rocket scientist to understand american football. If you are so intelligent and futbol has no tactics become a futbol coach then, now!!! I think Mourinho is making 20 USD million this year, that money could be yours!
5. It's boring. Well, while I don't like watching futbol (exept when Argentina NT plays) i find it way more entertaining that baseball, where 98% of the time literally nothing happens, or american football, where you have 5 seconds of action every one minute of real time. I have to admit NBA is really fun to watch. Playing futbol is a lot of fun. If I were a kid and had to play baseball I would be bored to death anytime the other team has to bat while I'm standing still in the middle of a field crossing my fingers that the guy will send the ball over here.
If you need to call me a Yankee at least spell it right and pronounce it correctly.
And the rules of baseball are highly complex, almost requiring a law degree to interpret them. Many if not most major league players have at least attended university and many of them have degrees - one former pitcher earned a Ph.D. in kinesiology: http://www.drmikemar...redentials.html (with a minor in physiological psychology).

Of course, soccer players have presumably learned how to inflate a ball and fake being injured.

It's easy to respect cricket, even if the rules are incomprehensible

Thus cricket trumps baseball (your rules, not mine).

Fun fact: 'roid rounders players who are fans of Ayn Rand outnumber those of a similar inclination who play the much more popular sport of cricket by 100 to 1.