These Are The People Who Are Stealing Your Money

I couldn't agree more GS.
Who does she think she's fooling anyhow?
The masses kept in ignorance.

Observe a great example of the blame game being played for problems that go far beyond a single individual's decision-making power. You cannot blame individual people for a faulty system, especially if it is the leader diverting responsibility for a country's political and economic woes onto someone else. A leader must accept responsibility, as the leader, for the prosperity, or lack-thereof, of their country. If a system fails the leader must first work to understand the system and how it functions, then experiment with ways in which the system's faults can be corrected. Pointing fingers diverts attention away from those who create the regulatory framework, and are thus responsible for any corporate policies enacted within that framework, and onto those entities working, legally or illegally, within the current system.

With all things, a balance must be maintained. Perhaps in this case an imbalanced system has been maintained for so long, and with no attempts taken at alternative approaches, that it's finally beginning to have a tangible, weighted, and personally-felt effect on people's lives, in which case it must finally be addressed.

It seems, however, that alternatives are not in sight, and that we'll continue to play the same skipping record of "No llores por mi Argentina."

Some say, however, that the night is darkest just before the dawn. Perhaps the dawn approaches.
The weird thing here is, that the people suffering the most from her political decisions - which are in fact those with the lower income, as high inflation always hits them way harder than the middle class or rich people - are her biggest supporters.
But to give her some credit, she really knows how to use the media. Especially having someone like Capitanich, who has the role of blocking negative comments/attacking the opposition (which means other parties, companies, media, ...)/delivering negative news while she only appears when the government decides to give people more school funds, football for all or cheap meat is pretty good PR.
Quebracho Piqueteros block Shell Gas Station now. Calling Shell enemigo del Pueblo....


Also Parmesan Cheese with sec tags. Rubbers behind the counter ! Coto also enemigo

But the climate of social division and hatred, real hatred that is palpable, is a climate in which she wallows and draws strength from.
The lower class arent necessarily struggling most, as those supermarkets are middle class haunts. The lower classes do benefit from more benefit subsidies also...some just, some clearly aimed at buying patronage.
Crazy: sudden devaluation got very expensive for everyone:
Dublin: I was not talking only about the super markets like Coto, Carrefour, ... but the general cost of living. Even if you get say 100 pesos more in subsidies, but spend more than 100 pesos for things like food, gas, electricity, transportation etc., you will end up on the bad side...
But maybe I'm overestimating inflation - later today the government will publish the new inflation index and it's probably below 2%, so everything I said doesn't make sense ;)
Dublin: I was not talking only about the super markets like Coto, Carrefour, ... but the general cost of living. Even if you get say 100 pesos more in subsidies, but spend more than 100 pesos for things like food, gas, electricity, transportation etc., you will end up on the bad side...
But maybe I'm overestimating inflation - later today the government will publish the new inflation index and it's probably below 2%, so everything I said doesn't make sense ;)

I appreciate that, but I think you are under estimating how inflation is balanced out in lower spending families with state benefits. This is by design! Before someone leaps down my throat, state benefits are a good thing, child benefit is a good thing , however not all state benefits are as positive. There are a lot of hidden subsidies to low income families. Again, not necessarily a bad thing, but they are insulated a little from inflation and I guarantee the carnicerias in low income areas aren't taking advantage as much as the supermarkets are because they would have no clientele left.