Time difference with the UK during summer time (UK)

French jurist

Feb 5, 2010

In late march 2011, the UK will change its clocks (+1 hour = when it was 8am it will be 9am).
I'm wondering if this year, Argentina will change to winter time (usually around mid-march).

If Argentina changes to winter time then the time difference with the UK, when the UK will use summer time, will remain the same (3 hours). Am I correct ?
Argentina doesn't change it's clocks anymore (unless Xtina changes her mind again) so the difference with UK will change from 3 hours (as it is now) to 2 hours...
Thanks Celia, but isn't it the other way around meaning the time difference will go from 3 to 4 hours (or eventually 5 if UK opts for +2) ?

I can calculate bills without calculators but I always have doubts when it comes to time zone differences !
Spring forward... ...fall back. Yes, you are right FJ: if Argentina doesn't change her clocks then when the northern hemisphere moves into daylight saving/summer time all those countries in Europe etc where the dawn comes earlier will move one hour further away and all those countries where the dawn comes later, such as the USA, will move one hour closer. Unlike Argentina where decisions about daylight saving can be made the week before, changes in European countries - including the UK - take time and I'm pretty certain that double summer time couldn't be introduced before 2012 and probably won't be introduced anyway.
You're right FJ and elhombre! It used to vary from 2-4 hours when Arg changed clocks too but now it's 3-4.....(3 at the mo)
Thanks you both, too bad for me then since I need to deliver two translation jobs to UK Forex companies by 9 am every business day (and I'm given the texts at 7am GMT). Now the question will be : do I wait until 3 am (ARG) to do them, or will I wake up at that time.

Please Cristina, change to the winter time!
Breaking news : far more important than the protests in Egypt, the autocratic regims being overthrown all around the Mediterranean sea = UK is becoming more and more European ! :D