Time to Move to Rio de Janeiro?

Look at the inflation history and economic stability of both countries then perhaps comment
I think you took this wrong, Musicman. I wasn't throwing shade at Brazil, nor was I criticizing your choice. I was just pointing out that, historically, Argentina has been about as stable as a fart in a whirlwind.

Apologies for not being more clear.
My other half and I are considering it for our winter escape. The only thing that puts me off is the safety issue. I’ve been a few times and its definitely a lot rougher round the edges. Any big city in LatAm is compared to BA.
This year we did our winter escape in Leblon and felt very safe. Each building had a 24 hour security guard that was often in front of their building during the day. The beaches were not patrolled but we had no problems. We also made wonderful excursions to Paraty and Ilha Grande with no problems. It was very different from the media reports. We did have one problem, in Corcovado a monkey stole my media luna. I did not report the crime.
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Rio presents a particular problem with regard to safety, the favelas and better-off areas are very close together, to the extent that if you take the right turn at the fork in the road, you'll get home, take the other and you might end up dead.

You would probably need to live outside Rio, some place like Barra da Tijuca, to live a more relaxed life.

Or live in Sao Paulo, where there's more distance to the favelas, with large safe areas (avoid the city centre), and you get an amazing multicultural experience (it's not just Liberdade). Plus you can drive down to the beach any weekend you like, or take the "ponte aerea" to Rio. I saw some hate being expressed about Brazilians, but SP is a very organized city, at least in the better off areas.

Update regarding safety in Rio:

It's exactly as I said. "...GPS navigation apps suddenly diverted them into favelas dominated by drug-trafficking gangs locked in an intense battle for territory". And neither Google nor Uber will accept any responsibility, well, you might be dead anyway, so problem solved from their point of view. Who needs a customer service department?