Total payroll expenses as related to take home salary.


Jan 17, 2010
I always have heard about the high costs to employers of legally paying employees in Argentina. How high is it really? For example if someone took home 6k, how much would their employer pay in total (on average)?

Just curious. Thanks
Not low, I think you are getting into Ingresos Brutos territory there. I would imagine for net wage of 6K, the gross pay would be around 8500 - 9000 pesos.

I know for a net wage of 2500 it is about 3200 gross, and for 3500 it is 4300 gross. Though when you get above a take home wage of about 5 or 6 K you need to start thinking about Ingresos Brutos.
Some of what the employer's costs are in addition to the salary change depending on what "convenio" (collective barganing agreement) and gremio (union) your employees belong to. Calculate about 60% of the gross salary in payroll taxes. On a 6,000 peso monthly salary I would say your cost would be more like $9,500 - $10,000 for that employee.
Depends on if the employee is a member of the union, how old said employee is (assuming you provide them health insurance), etc.

ETA - sorry, just re-read your question.

Assuming it is a non-union employee, who is in his mid-20s, for a salary in neto of 6000 pesos, it would cost the employer a shade under 9000 pesos a month in gross salary,,, ART, S.V.O and pre-pgao (8,939 to be precise). Or at least that's what my handy spreadsheet of estimated costs tells me ;)

If you have a union employer, I would estimate your cost to be substantially higher.