"Citygirl I agree with you on many points but unfortunately the real
estate market never reflects the real earning capabalities of its
inhabitants. How can people afford to pay 1 million dollars for studios
in Moscow Russia or 2 million dollar apartments in Tehran Iran wher
prices per square metre are now reaching 15000 Us dollars a metre in
the desired areas of North tehran. You cannot tell me in Iran that
all its citizens are rich and the inflation there is higher than
Argentinas by the way. "Pericles this is an apple and oranges comparison. I worked for the international division of a large coporation. We had responsibility for everything except the U.S. and Europe. We use to have to find housing for our people in all these places. The problem was always there wasn't much available that met western standards, what was available was very expensive. I remember we had to pay $12,000 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment in Tokyo and this was 25 yeares ago. Almost certainly a lot of the same thing is going on in Moscow and Tehran, a lot of this is housing for foreign excutives, paid for by their employers. Is there a shortage of western style housing in Buenos Aires? Why would a big run up in prices there equate to the same thing here?