Tourist visa renewal and renewal and renewal....

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Sorry to bump this old thread.

I'm UK currently in Buenos Aires, and have overstayed my tourist visa - by the end of the month i will have been here 6 months on a 90-day visa. I didn't pay to extend my visa. Previous to this, I spent 3 months here from Jan-Mar, left and went to Brazil for two weeks, spent Apr-June here, then did a trip to colonia.

Reading this (and other) threads, there seems to be a disagreement what's the best move: just stay illegally, or go to colonia, pay the 50 peso fine, and hope I can re-enter the same/next day. Have any other members had recent experiences?

Being denied entry would be pretty terrible - I'm living with my long-term porteña girlfriend here, we have an apartment and our lives settled here. We're planning to stay here for all of 2009.
UPDATE: I did go to the immigration office on antartida and they gave me the visa renewal with no questions asked... well, she asked if I was married, but I'm not sure that was an official question ;-)

I'm going ahead with getting a work visa now hopefully that will be done by the time the tourist visa comes up for renewal.

Thanks to everyone for their replies!!
Worldcitizen said:
Are you working in Argentina? If so, you could apply for a resident VISA extra mercosur. You only need a work contract from a Company in Argentina. Take a look to the below link which could give you some other insights:
Good luck!

It isn't so easy to get a "work contract" from a company in Argentina because it isn't so easy to get job here. Anyone who is working here legally already would have been required to get a "resident Visa extra mercosur (which entails a lot of paperwork that is closely scrutinized by migraciones).

This thread concerns tourists wanting to legally extend their stay in Argentina. That's all. There are other threads about resident visas: work, student, rentista, etc.
I posted this originally Steve and I don't see a problem with expanding the topic to include other issues regarding overstaying visas etc though probably in the best interest to search other topics if you want a clear answer Worldcitizen. I don't think any of these threads are hardcore-stick-to-the-topic posts.
If anyone's going over to Uruguay anytime soon, could you pick up a couple of bags of DOVE DARK CHOCOLATES for me?

I have a "Y" chomosome, but I also have an insatiable appetite for dark chocolate and the chocolate in this country basically sucks unless you're buying some overpriced stuff out of Bariloche.

soulskier said:
The overpriced stuff in Bariloche es vale la pena.

OK, mi castellano kind of blows. What does "vale la pena" mean?


Is it something like "It's worth the price."? "It's worth the suffering to pay for it..."? Something like that? Mas o menos? (I know that it's "mas o menos", because EVERYTHING in this country is "mas o menos".)
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