Tourist visa renewal and renewal and renewal....

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Worth the effort. The sooner you learn that, the easier your life will be in ARG.
"It's worth the pain" is how one might translate it literally. We anglophones use "it's worth the effort" or "worth the bother" similarly.
The overpriced Bariloche stuff (Mamushka specifically) is also available here in BA -- they have a store over on Sucre and Cabildo. I'm going to head over there this morning to see whether or not I decide to cough up the money for their huevos de pascua... one of the chocolate shops near me is asking up to 300 pesos for the huevos so I'll be curious to see... I don't like milk chocolate but I like Mamushka... so yes, the overpriced Bariloche stuff does vale la pena
Napoleon said:
If anyone's going over to Uruguay anytime soon, could you pick up a couple of bags of DOVE DARK CHOCOLATES for me?

I have a "Y" chomosome, but I also have an insatiable appetite for dark chocolate and the chocolate in this country basically sucks unless you're buying some overpriced stuff out of Bariloche.

If you like dark chocolate you do not need imports or chocs from Bariloche, go for Salgado chocolates, the Ocumare variety is a top dark chocolate 70% cocoa.
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