Tragedy In New York; Five Argentines Killed


Jun 6, 2005

Another terrorist act. The US is now following the pattern in Europe.

A generous classmate paid for his friends to travel to the US to celebrate their thirtieth high school reunion. This is how it ended. Families left without husbands and fathers.
There are no words for such things just senseless and worst humanity has to offer next to war anyway.
We can usually muster some empathy, if not forgiveness, for those who turn to violence after being victims of violence themselves. But people like this?

According to the article he was invited by visa lottery to the US and became radicalized here. There is a valid case to be made for official profiling and monitoring (short of harassing) some members of some groups in order to be able to avert obscenities like this. Rabid animals should not be left to wander freely until they decide who to bite.
Any person who subscribes to the Islamic ideology is deserving of being ostracized from democratic society. Why, you politically correct types will shudder and ask. Because Islamic ideology is a totalitarian political system under which (sharia law) non-Muslims and women do not have equal rights That is a fact, not hate speech. Believers are obliged to seek to create a world wide caliphate ruled by sharia (by violence if need be). It is also a fact (a true fact) that under sharia law there is no freedom of conscience or speech inasmuch as both apostasy and blasphemy are capital offenses. Homosexuals and adulterers also may suffer capital punishment. There is female genital mutilation, child marriage and honor killing. Why would anyone in their right mind not condemn such an ideology. Why would those who do condemn it be considered "Islamophobic " or right wing? How ironic. Aren't those who cooperate with the implementation of the ideology the right wingers?
Julian, in the minds of the Politically Correct, Christianity is responsible for all the problems of the world.
I agree with you on the capitalism part, but why is christianity the economic engine of a free people?
Capitalism can cause a lot of social ills but communism has been a failure everywhere. The most successful states seem to be those that have a form of democratic socialism in which capitalism co-exists with a broad social umbrella. I'm thinking of the Scandinavian counties, for example. In reality the US has a kind of don't ask, don't tell socialism -- Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, many other social welfare programs. Where the US has failed is primarily in developing a universal health care system.