Trapiche Malbec Wine On A List Of High Levels Of Arsenic

Methanol poisoning from grape wine seems very unlikely.

Just saw that that article is from 1993, I wonder if there is more info out there.

There are 2 alcohols: ethilic that can be drunk and methilic that is used for lamps. The second cannot be eliminated so, when you reach the poisoning level, you are dead.

With cheap wines they add water, colorants and alcohool to stretch them. But methilic is a lot cheaper.

Going back to the topic, arsenic in wines means that they are using too much of illegal (very cheap) pesticides.
Trapiche and Norton are 2 biggest Argentine brands in US. I was invited to my Argie friend's home in SF, this guy has been living in US for more than 30 years,
and the only wines he buys from Bevmo is Trapiche and Norton.
These 2 wines are now mass produced, the amt is so big that I do not think the grapes/wines are made at their sites. They probably find wines from all kinds of sources, so I always suspect something could be easily wrong with these 2 wines.
By the way, the sub $20 Norton sold at Bevmo is really bad, tastes like $5-$6 wines from Safeway, often gives me pain. You can have really nice wines in Argentina for $20 dollars.
Trapiche makes some excellent wines. I had one the other day.
It really depends. This is the wine argies like to give each other. Decent, not expensive, not cheap. But you have some really bad Trapiche in US,