Travel Permission For Minor

After reading so many posts from Passport Bro's, determined to get their Argentine documents by fair means or foul, it's refreshing to see someone who's not that bothered but in fact it might be the easiest way for you all to do what you want.

The children are already Argentine citizens by birth - they just don't have the paperwork to show it yet. Getting the paperwork is just routine. The husband has the easiest of the available routes to adult residency/citizenship by being the father of Argentine children and the husband of an Argentine wife.

Staying the whole year through or coming and going as you please ceases to be an issue for an Argentine citizen or resident and getting the necessary paperwork so Argentine children can come and go isn't hard - millions of Argentines do this every year.
Thanks. Does anyone know if residency subjects your kids to needing the permit to travel? Or is that only a requirement with full citizenship?
Thanks. Does anyone know if residency subjects your kids to needing the permit to travel? Or is that only a requirement with full citizenship?
Apparently yes it does

"Si vas a salir de Argentina con un menor de edad sea argentino o extranjero con residencia permanente, temporaria, precaria o transitoria (que hubiese transcurrido 1 año o más desde su ingreso) en la República Argentina, y el viaje se realizara con uno solo de los padres, te detallamos que documentación vas a necesitar."

Basically if only one parent is going to travel with a minor, you need to do the authorization. This is for children who are Argentine citizens, or foreigners that have permanent or temporary residency, or a precaria (residency in processing). It also applies to children on transitoria status (aka tourist) if they've been inside Argentina for more than 1 year continuously since the last entry
Our daughter lives permanently in Europe. She was born in Argentina, her Argentinian passport has expired and she is going to Argentina for the first time this year. Could she enter and leave the country with a German passport? Or does she have to leave with an Argentinian passport? Thanks a lot!!
Our daughter lives permanently in Europe. She was born in Argentina, her Argentinian passport has expired and she is going to Argentina for the first time this year. Could she enter and leave the country with a German passport? Or does she have to leave with an Argentinian passport? Thanks a lot!!
Howdy Alex,

Standard disclaimer that I'm not an attorney and what follows is some random stranger's opinion.

Short answer, yes she can enter/leave with a German passport.

Long answer, depends how long you want her to stay in Argentina. My wife is a dual citizen. If she enters the country under her foreign passport she will need to stay/leave under the guidelines of a foreign tourist. If she enters the country under her Argentine passport she can stay unlimited.

That's my understanding. The passport you choose decides the conditions of your stay.

Your daughter is, regardless of her standing as an argentine, also a German citizen which carries rights to enter the country under international travel agreements.
My wife is a dual citizen. If she enters the country under her foreign passport she will need to stay/leave under the guidelines of a foreign tourist.
Has she ever entered the country using her foreign passport?
Has she ever entered the country using her foreign passport?
No, we did ask at the airport what we should use, and being that her Argentine passport was up to date, we were told to use that to avoid having any stay limitations.

I would suggest calling the Argentinean embassy with this question to see if they have any particular restrictions against dual citizens entering with a foreign passport.
It would seem that the documentation to use depends on whether Argentina has signed an agreement of dual nationality with the country of residence of the traveler. There's no such agreement with Germany (only these countries: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, United States (until 10/20/1981) Honduras, Italy, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, and Sweden), so it looks like this would apply:
Argentines who have been naturalized in countries with which the Argentine Republic has NOT signed a Dual Nationality Agreement.
They will be considered, for all purposes, as Argentines.

a) In the case of presenting only a valid travel document of the acquired nationality, the same will be intervened or the pertinent card will be issued, stamping the entry stamp with the legend "ARGENTINE - 180 DAYS" handwritten under the stamp.
b) In the event that the Argentine condition is not stated in the foreign documentation and the entrant invokes it, he/she must prove this by presenting an Argentine Identity Document.

To leave the country, they must do so with the pertinent Argentine documentation, unless the stay in the country has not exceeded the period of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) calendar days, this circumstance will allow them to leave with the travel document of their acquired nationality, which they have used to enter the country.
Google-translated from