Traveling to BA in October


Aug 29, 2012

My name is David Freed, and I am a resident of Washington, DC. I will be visiting BA for the entire month of October. I feel very fortunate to visit Buenos Aires; a dream long-deferred.

My purpose is to study Tango intensively for the month. Since I am a relative beginner and a youthful (of course youthful :)!) 61 year old, I remain hopeful that I will return confident to fully partake of Milongas.

The length of my visit encourages me to take a month rental to save money, but I am a bit concerned that I'll be 'isolated' and I would be happier, and more successful, in my goal if I stay at a Tango 'Hotel'. Advice?

I have lots of other questions, but now that my trip is certain, I believe housing is next on my list and then firming up my study plans.

Any advice that members of the forum may provide to me would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance! David

This one supposed to be one of the best school in Buenos Aires, located in Villa Crespo, on Jufre y Lavalleja. Number of local people and foreigners are attending the lessons. The lady I know from this website, Baexpat, attending its 4 years program, to be come an instructor. She is a local girl. According to her, it offers Argentina and Cali, Columbia style. For a short term rental check out;

good luck,

Unless specifically stated in pesos, when they put prices in dollars they mean the actual bills and not converted to pesos.


Follow he Golden Rule. You must haggle properly!
Also make sure that you leave the appartment with enough time to recover your deposit (expect the unexpected). There are some sordid stories to be found on this board.
Hello Nik,

Thank you so very much for your response. Airbnb seems a great way for me to proceed if I am booking for a month. Of course, I am concerned (only a bit) about choosing a month of housing without seeing the apartment first and knowing the surrounding neighborhood. If you don't mind I may ask your advice on an apartment I identify. Is that ok?

The link you sent is very useful in itself but does not take me to the Tango School you reference in Villa Crespo. Perhaps I am overlooking it. Would you please double check the link and let me know how I am getting it wrong or missing it? Thanks again for your consideration and help. Best, David
"Iznogud" I cannot agree with your User name after your very helpful response! :)

More questions to follow, but I have read that Argentina, well certainly BA, does not have a haggling culture. Your further advice and thoughts?

Best, David
daviddc said:
"Iznogud" I cannot agree with your User name after your very helpful response! :)

More questions to follow, but I have read that Argentina, well certainly BA, does not have a haggling culture. Your further advice and thoughts?

Best, David

I mean that with dollars in hand you will have some wiggle room once they tell you how much they want for rent. There's likely to be a large offer and shunk demand for new places.
Using, the firm is based in California, you are paying in dollar through their system. It allows you to cancel the place within 24 hours after arrive or seeing the place. You can walk away if not happy with the place or if you decided to stay for one night then, you are being charge for the night. Please read the rule, as some are more strict or flexible than other. It is a great site for new comer; rule for renting here is different than the u.s.
Tango school, also provides an accommodation.
good luck,