True face of Kirchnerismo: violent thuggery


May 15, 2017

Read this if you have access; it's truly frightening. And they say Milei wants to take away rights, that democracy is at risk. I thought things like this happened in Venezuela and Nicaragua, not here. It's because of things like this that this country needs Milei more than ever. And that's coming from someone who did not support him at all in the beginning. Unfortunately this type of violent, non-democratic behavior is only going to get worse once he tries to make real changes, to take away privileges people should have never had in the first place.
It's hard to see how this ends well. Even though he's got more than 14 million votes behind him, he's going to need around him a standard of personal security I doubt Argentina can muster.

“They went all or nothing....They call you a fascist and they are the ones who threatened to put us in a trunk .”

It is exactly this. And not only in Argentina but this kind of extreme political intolerance is growing elsewhere in the democratic world where some people from the left are just as guilty as some people from the right - it is as if people want to live in totalitarian states where everyone thinks and votes the same as them.

This kind of political violence was everywhere during the election and unfortunately, it was tolerated and normalized. From soft violence (E.g. posts on social media like "If you are my friend, DON'T vote for Mieli or I will not be your friend") to hard violence (E.g. kids being physically beaten up by pro-Peronist thugs in the conurbano or a young female Milei fan who was giving out flyers being sexually abused in public by a man dressed in drag claiming to be manifesting for LGBTQ rights rubbing in genitals in her face while dozens laughed and jeered her in a public square).