Trump injured after being shot while speaking at a campaign rally

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There is a youtube interview from Sunday the day after, up today july 15 on youtube, someone who was at the airport rally nearby 4 years earlier for trump, and also at this one, and the one difference he noted was the former rally had snipers protecting trump from EVERY airport hanger roof, and this one it struck him as an anomaly right away that NO rooftop that he saw had such protection, and in fact only one did.

Eyewitness evidence that indicates something sinister happened:

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Secret service being incompetent does not equal some kind of conspiracy.
Yeah, I'm guessing either there wasn't good communication between the local PD and SS, or there was just confusion. I heard one report that a cop scaled the ladder to investigate, was confronted by the shooter, and ducked down; whereupon the shooter immediately took his shot. I would imagine the Butler PA PD was not prepared to deal with this sort of situation.

Coupled with the fact PA is an 'open carry' state. Until he aimed, I believe the shooter was legally entitled to have that gun, which was outside the secure zone. So it's not like they could 'take him out' for simple trespassing.

Javier Milei may want to reconsider his push for gun availability in Argentina. I watched his inauguration from a balcony on Av Mayo, and when he waved to me from his open convertible, my first thought was the view from the Dealey Plaza museum in Dallas, which was further from the Presidential car...
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Secret service being incompetent does not equal some kind of conspiracy.
I think people really underestimate the confluence of incompetence, chaos, and sheer difficulty of simply keeping someone whose job it is to interact with the public secure 24/7.

How many of us have run in to presidents, governors, prime ministers, congressmen, senators, etc. in public without us having been frisked/taken through a metal detector? Off the top of my head for me personally it's been 1 Senator, 1 Congressman, 1 Governor, and 2 Prime Ministers.

All this being said, the Secret Service generally does a pretty good job. The last successful assassination was JFK, 61 years ago (and had inside help if it wasn't a complete inside job), and last injury was Reagan 41 years ago. I'd argue that's a pretty good track record in their defense.
Wouldn't surprise me to learn that the whole thing turns out to have been staged by Trump. Nothing easier than to nick you own ear, and then play the hero. Complete with a million dollar photo of a heroic guy, after nearly being killed, fist raised in defiance...!

And, of course, the assailant conveniently dead - just like Oswald. As a publicity bonus, timed to coincide with the Convention starts, offering a golden opportunity to bash the Secret Service and expose the Biden administration for being SOFT ON CRIME.....

Pure campaign publicity gold, and all for the price of a nicked ear.
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I think people really underestimate the confluence of incompetence, chaos, and sheer difficulty of simply keeping someone whose job it is to interact with the public secure 24/7.

How many of us have run in to presidents, governors, prime ministers, congressmen, senators, etc. in public without us having been frisked/taken through a metal detector? Off the top of my head for me personally it's been 1 Senator, 1 Congressman, 1 Governor, and 2 Prime Ministers.

All this being said, the Secret Service generally does a pretty good job. The last successful assassination was JFK, 61 years ago (and had inside help if it wasn't a complete inside job), and last injury was Reagan 41 years ago. I'd argue that's a pretty good track record in their defense.
For me it's two presidents, one in Ecuador in the lift of our apartment building, and one Uruguayan (actually an ex-president by then I think), on the Buquebus ferry :)

But seriously, the US has more guns than people (, what do you expect :rolleyes: ?
Wouldn't surprise me to learn that the whole thing turns out to have been staged by Trump. Nothing easier than to nick you own ear, and then play the hero. Complete with a million dollar photo of a heroic guy, after nearly being killed, fist raised in defiance...!

And, of course, the assailant conveniently dead - just like Oswald. As a publicity bonus, timed to coincide with the Convention starts, offering a golden opportunity to bash the Secret Service and expose the Biden administration for being SOFT ON CRIME.....

Pure campaign publicity gold, and all for the price of a nicked ear.
While the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs might be true, thouth not in the way you stated it, no way the 1st is.
Personally introduced to and shaken hands with two serving presidents (one of whom was rolling drunk at the time and didn't so much shake my hand as high-5 it) and one serving PM. Met more informally one future president and one future PM, and one past president and one past PM. Shared a plane with one past president, one past PM, and one future king. I suppose it wouldn’t have been too difficult to take out each one and bring down all three planes.
"Hi, we're from the government and we're here to protect you from a kid with a rifle who climbs up on a nearby roof in full view and gets off eight shots at you before we react."
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