Trump injured after being shot while speaking at a campaign rally

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I met and shook hands with a current king a long time ago, when he was a young prince.
It just came out the DJT's permanent SS team was stood down just prior to the event, and replace with the DEI team we all saw in the news. I feel that it'll eventually come out (once DJT is back in the WH), who ordered the stand down. I imagine that the SS has some very advanced tech allowing them to identify everyone in attendance with command/control on and in charge of all radio freq's. If the US Gov. allows TAK or ATAK to be readily accessed by civilians imagine what kind of advanced tech they have!! I am on a church security team when I'm in the states, even with our shoestring budget with a few dozen volunteers, I have a really difficult time imagining our rag tag team allowing such a cluster show as this. My two bits, it was an inside job by the current administration or their puppet masters. They impeached him, his polls went up, they indicted him his polls went up, they convicted him his polls went up, why it's a shock to people that the progressives may have used a useful idiot to put him in the ground is beyond me.
It just came out the DJT's permanent SS team was stood down just prior to the event, and replace with the DEI team we all saw in the news. I feel that it'll eventually come out (once DJT is back in the WH), who ordered the stand down. I imagine that the SS has some very advanced tech allowing them to identify everyone in attendance with command/control on and in charge of all radio freq's. If the US Gov. allows TAK or ATAK to be readily accessed by civilians imagine what kind of advanced tech they have!! I am on a church security team when I'm in the states, even with our shoestring budget with a few dozen volunteers, I have a really difficult time imagining our rag tag team allowing such a cluster show as this. My two bits, it was an inside job by the current administration or their puppet masters. They impeached him, his polls went up, they indicted him his polls went up, they convicted him his polls went up, why it's a shock to people that the progressives may have used a useful idiot to put him in the ground is beyond me.
Come on Bobby, if they wanted to kill him surely they would send someone who was a reasonably decent shot?
why it's a shock to people that the progressives may have used a useful idiot to put him in the ground is

As if it has never been done before. This is the routine modo operandi for many many decades. The 51 intelligence community and Chuck Schumer the whole f****n caboodle stinks to high heaven.
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It just came out the DJT's permanent SS team was stood down just prior to the event, and replace with the DEI team we all saw in the news. I feel that it'll eventually come out (once DJT is back in the WH), who ordered the stand down. I imagine that the SS has some very advanced tech allowing them to identify everyone in attendance with command/control on and in charge of all radio freq's. If the US Gov. allows TAK or ATAK to be readily accessed by civilians imagine what kind of advanced tech they have!! I am on a church security team when I'm in the states, even with our shoestring budget with a few dozen volunteers, I have a really difficult time imagining our rag tag team allowing such a cluster show as this. My two bits, it was an inside job by the current administration or their puppet masters. They impeached him, his polls went up, they indicted him his polls went up, they convicted him his polls went up, why it's a shock to people that the progressives may have used a useful idiot to put him in the ground is beyond me.
I thought this site was about residing in Argentina, not conspiracy rants
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