Trying to make CORNBREAD (need help)


May 5, 2008
OK, so last night I tried to make cornbread. Tried. In the States I simply buy a box of cornbread mix and then follow the instructions, but in a city that doesn't even always have brownie mix in supermarkets, cornbread?... no.

So I looked online for recipes and that wasn't a problem. But here were the problems:

1) "MAICENA" flour is most certainly NOT "corn meal".

2) Eyeballing adding "Harina Leudante" is NOT the same as using "baking powder".

I have no idea what the hell I made, but it sure wasn't cornbread. (Fortunately I can eat almost anything that isn't an animal organ, so I've found a way to consume what I made.)

So is "Polenta" powder = to "corn meal"?

What is "baking powder" here?

I think Polenta is your best option.
Baking powder is known by the name of its most famous manufacturer called Royal .
Maizena is corn starch.
Harina leudante is self-raising flour. You need to get "polvo para hornear" usually in a red tub or packet with the brand ROYAL on the front. For cornmeal, yes, buy a bag of polenta. My husband makes cornbread all the time, he told me to soak the polenta in the milk for a bit as it is grittier than the ones he is used to.
Aleina Dee said:
I think Polenta is your best option.
Baking powder is known by the name of its most famous manufacturer called Royal .
Maizena is corn starch.

Sappho said:
Harina leudante is self-raising flour. You need to get "polvo para hornear" usually in a red tub or packet with the brand ROYAL on the front. For cornmeal, yes, buy a bag of polenta. My husband makes cornbread all the time, he told me to soak the polenta in the milk for a bit as it is grittier than the ones he is used to.

I appreciate the help.

PS- I loves me's the name "Sappho". ;)
you can use polenta but first you must put it in a blender ....liquidora..baking powder is polvo al horno it comes in a little paquet. you can get it anywhere, that is any food store.....ferriterias tend not to carry it!!!!!!!
Polenta is thicker corn flour, if you want the thinner type you can only get it from a dietetica ( harina de maiz ) Btw, those mixes for pancakes, brownies, etc suck big time, if you are to cook, do the real thing that is 20 times better.
Nappy, you can buy corn flour (harina de maiz o harina paraguaya) at most dieteticas. It makes good cornbread! Baking powder is not harnina leudante (that's flour with yeast in it, yeast is leudante), polvo de horno is baking powder, and baking soda is bicarbonato de sodio--both can be found in any chinos. Let me know if you need other suggestions-I've made really good cornbread here! You know how to find me :)
I've made cornbread here using polenta, with very tasty results. As others have pointed out, Maizena is cornstarch not cornmeal (definitely not what you want for cornbread).

MizzMarr said:
Baking powder is not harnina leudante (that's flour with yeast in it, yeast is leudante), polvo de horno is baking poweder, and baking soda is bicarbonato de sodio--both can be found in any chinos.

Just to clarify, harina leudante (self-rising flour) does not contain yeast. It's flour with baking powder and salt added to it.
kalley said:
Just to clarify, harina leudante (self-rising flour) does not contain yeast. It's flour with baking powder and salt added to it.
Learn something new every day. Thanks! I assumed it had yeast, but I never buy it since I add anything I need to plain flour myself. Cheers. :D
MizzMarr said:
Learn something new every day. Thanks! I assumed it had yeast, but I never buy it since I add anything I need to plain flour myself. Cheers. :D

Glad I could help! :)