Trying to make CORNBREAD (need help)

and the brand Esquisita does have a very decent brownie mix...just add two eggs butter and one teaspoon of watr to the mix
So Esquita brownie mix is just chocolate, flour and sugar? Really, if you're going to buy eggs and butter, you might as well do the whole thing yourself.
I have a recipe for what tastes like Jiffy Cornbread Mix in the US, sweet rather than sharp. I use polenta and Royal polvo de horno. I sift the white flour (000, I'll spring for 0000 if it's on sale ;^) together with the corn meal through a plastic strainer. Great stuff.
Going to attempt cornbread for Thanksgiving next week, and it sounds from the above posts like polenta is the way to go...

Would anyone mind posting or PM'ing me a recipe for a successful cornbread they've made down here?
I like to pimp my Exquisita brownies by adding about 5 teaspoons of instant coffee granules (mixed with hot water), a splash of vanilla essence, and toasted crushed walnuts. They're a real upper.
fifs2, I have made Nigella's brownies on many occasion, just standing up for the exquisita mix, in a hurry and when you don't want to splash out on chocolate, it's pretty damn good.
We had cornbread muffins at our brunch at Malvón today and they were awesome.

If you don't have the ganas to make muffins, but have the plata to buy them, then I would give Malvón a visit to see if you could buy them for Turkey Day.
