Uber Banned

Apparently Uber drivers do not like the Abasto shopping mall. We had 5 cancellations in a row a couple weekends ago and eventually had to use a taxi off the street. Some of the Ubers even got 90% of the way to our location before cancelling. Weird.
Apparently Uber drivers do not like the Abasto shopping mall. We had 5 cancellations in a row a couple weekends ago and eventually had to use a taxi off the street. Some of the Ubers even got 90% of the way to our location before cancelling. Weird.

UBER drivers are not allowed to choose locations. But once they know the location, they cancel the ride by using different reasons
When I used it last there seemed to be a decent selection of available cars... Lets hope it continues to grow and fuck the taxis off.. They need to step up their game big time.
UBER drivers are not allowed to choose locations. But once they know the location, they cancel the ride by using different reasons

They know the pickup point, but they do not know the destination, correct?
I suspect they must have been worried about a pick-up at Abasto having a far away destination or something. We simply could not get one to come get us.
They know the pickup point, but they do not know the destination, correct?
I suspect they must have been worried about a pick-up at Abasto having a far away destination or something. We simply could not get one to come get us.

Try to avoid answering a UBER phone call from a driver, especially never tell them your final destination - they may cancel the ride if they dont like yr final destination.
interesting view from some Australian fund managers
