Uber Is Live In Ba

I'd imagine all companies in the market lose quite a bit of money though - otherwise it would be a weird business strategy. Besides that, I doubt that the VC's will drop out anytime soon: if self-autonomous cars will be a thing in the near future (which is highly likely), a concept like Uber where you just order a car from your cellphone combined with a flexible pricing model is huge...
My two cents:

I take a taxi at least once a week. 99% of the time I can hail a cab in 60 seconds (granted, I spend most of my time in Palermo). I've also never had a problem with a driver.

Personally, I don't see the need for Uber here right now. Plus, I don't like the way Uber does business.
My two cents:

I take a taxi at least once a week. 99% of the time I can hail a cab in 60 seconds (granted, I spend most of my time in Palermo). I've also never had a problem with a driver.

Personally, I don't see the need for Uber here right now. Plus, I don't like the way Uber does business.

My two cents:

I take a taxi at least 3-4 times a day. 99% of the time I can hail a cab in 60 seconds (granted, I travel mostly within Palermo/ Recoleta/Microcentro/Belgrano/barrio Norte/Caballito/Almargo/Villa Crespo). 9 out of 10 times..I never have a problem with a driver.// And when I do have a problem - its resolved amicably with no violence or abuses or need of calling Police. I admit, speaking Spanish is helpful.
My two cents:

I use my own car every day. 100% of the time, I don't even need to hail it. I've never had a problem with the driver. Hence, there's no need for taxis.

For those who don't get the sarcasm: No, I don't even have a car here, but the beauty of free markets is that if you don't like to use a service provider, just don't use it. There is valid criticism for a company like Uber (see the points ejcot brought up), but who cares if a single potential customer doesn't require a service?
I live in Versalles, and there are perhaps four to five streets where you are likely to pick up a taxi within a few minutes, so there are certainly areas where Uber may be important (I realize Uber drivers are unlikely to be hovering around Versalles). However, while I generally like the idea of Uber shaking things up a bit, the service has to be worth it. I am already tired of having to act like a navigator to taxi or remise drivers, so if I have to it with Uber I am unlikely to use it much. Its not too disimilar from a remise service, aside from the fact you can pay upfront and may get a better card.

Seriously, someone said in another thread that remise companies offer better cars. Where? All the ones I use are terrible cars, some of the cars I have been in this city beggar belief. I hope Uber is not the same.
I think uber will offer better cars. Taxis on the other hand are mostly shit but occasionally you get a really nice clean spacious one, unfortunately there is no way that I know of to actually get one when you want it other than standing on the street hoping one shows up.

Informal studies have shown that when Uber starts in a city the number of complaints/ride about regular cabs goes down which is usually attributed taxi drivers actually making an effort to compete.

Monopolies are bad for consumers and bad for economies.
How about all of the "combis" who certainly don't follow the laws? But in this country, everyone makes up their own laws anyway, very sad to say!​
I won't even start about the short-comings of Aerolineas Argentinas!​